a little later than expected...but im back :D
General by Nightember on May 22, 2009
oh man, these last 3 weeks have been some of the most hectic weeks i have had for a llllloooooonnnnnggggggg time....
to make this blog worth something ill summarize what my weeks have been like and why i havent been seen.
about 3 weeks ago my aunt left her abusive husband with her two young kids and came to stay with us... now my aunt can be a hard person to be around at times...she can be very judgmental and overly strict, and throw kids of the ages 6 and 2 on top of that and you have a recipe for the perfect batch of annoying un-predictable days ahead of you...
but she needed a place to stay, and unlike the rest of my crappy family, we are the nice and helpfull ones....crap...
so the last 3 weeks i have had two kids climbing all over me like a freaking play toy... and of coarse my friend had to come over and hit me in the nuts as a joke...of coarse the 6 year old saw this and found it funny as hell, in turn resulting in her trying to hit me in the nuts for the next 2 weeks over and over.... yeah...fun..
i kept it together by telling my self over and over "when its all over ill have ass loads of good karma...do it for the karma...i need good karma..." lol
so that lead to this last weekend which you all know about, it was my parents wedding thingy and that went great, i actually enjoyed my self there (and i didnt look to bad in a suit to say the least) the ceramony was great and the wine tasting after word was also enjoyable... my favorite part being all the salmon i had at the reception lol
so the next day they were to leave for the honeymoon and i was dreading this week because i was gonna be stuck at home with no one but my aunt and her two kids... i saw many whacks to the nuts in my near future... BUT then a shine of light! a miricle that only happens once in a blue moon when its in my favor...
my aunt decided she was gonna leave and go back to her home...she had kicked her x husband out and didnt have to worry about that now. so she didnt have to stay with us :D
so she was packed and on a plane back home that evening. sooooo i have had the house all to my self this week and i must say it has turned out kinda nice, and on saturday im getting an Iphone... this site will be bookmarked on there so i can check up on it on the go lol.
well theres my excuse lol, busy busy weeks, im just glad to be back :)
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