Achievement Unlocked - 100 PS3 Platinums Trophies!!

PlayStation by Canana on  Jun 15, 2011

Well, I don't know where to start, I have too many things to say about my milestone but I don't want you to waste your time about it. Trophies means a lot for a few, and nothing for others, that's the point. If you ask me if I enjoy the game, the answer is yes. If you prefer to ask me if I talk bad words while I'm playing, the answer is yes. However, this trophy adventure started with Uncharted: Drake's Fortune (1st platinum), which is a great game to play. It all began at 11:23pm when I unlocked my first trophy. I thought: What was that?? Well, I couldn't imagine, almost 3 years later I'm celebrating my 100th platinum trophy (Superstart v8 Challenge). 

At  start, all was great. I enjoyed the game first and then I was going for the platinum. It was like that until my 26th platinum (Borderlands). Then, I started playing family/kids/crap/easy games just for a platinum. However, I still play AAA games tough, but sometimes an easy platinum is always great. I have a few stories, but I promise to be brief. 


As you can see above my first 50 platinums. I would like to mention LBP (#3), Trine (#8) as spectacular games to be played and enjoyed, without stress. Then I would like to mention Fallout 3 (#5), as a game that I was dying to finish. It took me a while until my last trophy, and believe it or not, it wasn't fun at all. The following games deserves a mention fbecause they were hard. CoD: World at War (#9), Killzone 2 (#4), Bionic Commando (#13), CoD: Classic (#18), Mirror's Edge (#34) and Resident Evil 5 (#41). Without forgeting the epics Grand Theft Auto IV (#10), Resistance 2 (#25) and SOCOM: Confrontation (#16). Excellent games like Uncharted 2, Assassins Creed II, God of War III, Heavy Rain, inFamous, Burnout: Paradise and Modern Warfare 2 are also part of my collection. 


Above platinums 51-100. Sports games, FPS games, family games, movie based games and more. I play a lot of genres. I must mention Dirt 2 (#54) as one of my favorite games, I have really enjoyed the game. It only proves that playing for trophies is fun. I have also "the game with beards" , Medal of Honor (#86), and until now it was the game that made to brake something...

Megamind (#75), is porbably the quickest platinum available out there as it only took 5 hours. Shooters like Bioshock 2 and Killzone 3 with online trophies. The first toook me a while, but Killzone 3 was a cakewalk compared to K2. Final mentions to Demon Souls, FIFA 09 and L.A. Noire. Demon Souls as probably one of the most hardest platinums out there, FIFA 09 because it took me a few months to score a diving header and L.A. Noire because is was a great experience. 

Currently, I'm #4 in my country and #230 wordwide. I probably can't make it to the top, but I'll keep going with the trophy hunting. Happy gaming! 

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