All Time Pending Games Blog

Games by Davidck07 on  Dec 06, 2009


Welcome to my All Time Pending Games Blog, the idea for this began with a conversation with pakhair on MSN a few weeks back and we both agreed to post our versions of games that we have yet to complete. He had eighteen games on his two part blog and mine is almost double that amount, if you are keen on reading his version, just hop on to: My All Time Pending Games Blog Part 1/2.


With that out of the way, here is nine great games that I have yet to finish. Where's the rest of the games you might ask? Well, if I get enough feedback that you want to see the rest of it, I'll gladly post it. Its as simple as that.


As always, this is another long blog. Enjoy. ;)


Resident Evil: Code Veronica X


code veronica x


Platform : Playstation 2


Reason for leaving: You know how in Resident Evil where you always save your best weapons for the hardest and meanest bosses, well I wasted most if not all of my ammo on the undead. Silly right, as I now have to face the Tyrant with nothing but a handgun and a machine gun. And to make matters worse, my controller refuses to co-operate with me and it keeps jamming at the most impromptu times.


Possibility for playing again: Sure, as I would really like to show fugly Tyrant whose boss, and nothing beats shoving him out the plane to prove my point. :)


God of War 2


god of war 2


Platform: Playstation 2


Reason for leaving: With its trademark gore and no holds barred action, the God of War series is Playstation's equivalent to the Ninja Gaiden series of the XBox. It was simply a spectacular game that didn't let up on the action and as its sequel builds on what made the game so addictive, GOW2 is one game that any self respecting gamer should have in their collection. It even has a certain minigame, that will raise some eyebrows. What's that, you ask - play the game to find out.

I was never good at hack and slash games back then, and its difficulty just overwhelmed me. I did beat God of War though, and I'll need to do the same with its sequel. Euryale, you better watch your back, I am gonna beat you to a pulp the next time we meet!


Possibility of playing again: As its prequel was a kickass ride from start to finish, not completing this game would be criminal and just plain silly. Plus I do have a score to settle with a certain villain.




killzone 2


Platform: Playstation 2


Reason for leaving: I don't know if its me, but I did get bouts of motion sickness while playing this game a few years back and I just couldn't go any further.


Possibility of playing again: Killzone certainly was hyped up as the Halo killer back then but its buggy controls and inconsistant AI felt ancient to Halo's brilliant gameplay. With that said, I certainly would like to finish this game and buggy or not, I'll play it all the way through the credits. :)


Silent Hill


silent hill


Platform: Playstation


Reason for leaving: With its chilling musical score and disturbing monsters, Silent Hill was just too scary for an eleven year old. It was nothing that I have played before, with its crazed inhabitants setting the stage for what is arguably the most atmospheric survival horror game that scares you both visually and mentally. Just ask anyone who has played through the game and chances are, its the unexplainable sounds that sets it apart from its competitors. And with hideous monsters that lurk in each corner, Silent Hill just sucks players into a twisted world that is both believable and intense.


Possibility of playing again: There is something about getting scared to bits that excites me whether in games or in movies.


Final Fantasy X


Final Fantasy X


Platform: Playstation 2


Reason for leaving: I have never really been a fan of RPG's but Final Fantasy X just enthralled me with its slick and intuitive gameplay that was just so hard to put down. However, as I didn't level up enough, I got whooped in one of the boss fights and stopped playing ever since. That isn't to say that I won't be replaying the game, as it certainly is a gripping RPG with a timeless tale that I'll need to experience for myself. And the fact that I have never beaten a Final Fantasy game, all the more reason to revisit Spira again.


Possibility of playing again: Yes. I have taken enough flak from my friends for not completing a FF game and its about time that I prove them wrong.


Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past


a link to the past


Platform: Gameboy Advance


Reason for leaving: Another great game that I didn't play through until its completion, A Link to the Past certainly warrants another playthrough as any self respecting Zelda fan would have beaten it in a heartbeat. I guess it was the difficulty that made me stop playing and this coupled with the fact that I had a ton of GBA games to play back then, it was relegated to the confines of great games that haven't been finished.


Possibility of playing again: Most certainly. :)


Grand Theft Auto: Vice City


Grand Theft Auto Vice City


Platform: Playstation 2


Reason for leaving: As I made my way through the halfway mark of the game, I just got tired of playing the game for some reason. It wasn't because it was bad, but you know how when you have played something for so long, it just gets tiresome after awhile.


Possibility of playing again: I certainly had a blast playing Vice City and I did knock down a few pedestrians just for kicks, so I don't see any other reason why I shouldn't play the game again. :)


Valkyria Chronicles


valkyria chronicles


Platform: Playstation 3


Reason for leaving: In a time when RPG's were a rarity and still is all things considered, Valkyria Chronicles stood out not only for its charming visuals but also for its addictive gameplay that is both fresh as it is slick. Sure the screenshots for the game may look great, but you'll have to see it in motion to truly appreciate it as it looks like its ripped straight out from an anime. While the game takes a while to get going, by the time the plot intensifies, its hard to put the game down. Why didn't I finish it? Well, its difficult and it takes a lot of thought to finish the final levels.


Possibility of playing again: As I made it all the way until the final battle, its about time I whipped out the game again. :)


Prince of Persia Sands of Time


sands of time


Platform: Playstation 2


Reason for leaving: Sands of Time enthralled me with its charm and exuberance that is still as accessible now as it was back then. With the ability to rewind time when one made a mistake, it was both clever and it kept frustration to a minimum. However, I was left constantly frustrated at my inept ability to see it through. And as a reason of that, I haven't played the game ever since.


Possibility of playing again: Yes, I'll need to get lost in the captivating and mesmerising city that is Persia once again.


Thanks for reading. :)

David Lee

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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