Assassin's Creed Odyssey The Fate of Atlantis Episode 1 Leonidas Boss Fight

Defeat your Grandfather

 by Grayshadow on  Apr 28, 2019

Fields of Elysium houses a lot of great heroes, such as Alexios' Grandfather Leonidas. This legendary warrior was playable in Assassin's Creed Odyssey's opening hours and now you must prove yourself to him. Here's how to defeat the Spartan General.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey,The Fate of Atlantis,Ubisoft,

Leonidas is a powerful warrior but not unbeatable. Use your adrenaline wisely and if you have a weapon that charges the meter, equip it.

Leonidas' will attack with a series of unblockable attacks but during the final attack, he'll use an attack that can be parried. This is predominantly his fighting style. If you feel confident, you can dodge and take advantage of Leonidas' exposed back. If not, wait until the third attack before parrying.

Leonidas' isn't immune to your adrenaline attacks but he can deal heavy damage. It's your call whether to use the meter for offensive or defensive attacks. If you find yourself struggling, move back and regain your footing. Leonidas' will occasionally charge, which is unblockable, but easily evaded. If you're within reach Leonidas will use the length of his spear for either an unblockable or parry vulnerable attack. 

If you choose to kill Leonidas, he'll use the same tactics. 

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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