Baldur’s Gate 3 Guide | How To Beat The Thorm Family
Here’s everything you need to know on how to beat the Thorm family without any combat in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Game Guide by Ornstein on Dec 30, 2024
The most intimidating scenario in Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3 is the Thorm family. However, fighting them is optional; instead, this is one of those situations that shows the real depth of the game and allows the player to receive a far more interesting story. Herein, a step-by-step guide will be provided on how to outsmart the Thorms and come out happy on the other side.
Understanding the Motivations of the Thorm Family
The Thorm family, under the leadership of Malus Thorm, is bound by the Shadow Curse and committed to serving the Absolute. It is a very tight-knit family that does not welcome outsiders. As such, understanding their motivation is critical in negotiating with them. Malus believes very strongly in the Absolute, but his children follow him because of fear and loyalty. What you have to do is utilize this dynamic to break their loyalty and make them renounce their evil ways.
Preparation: Increasing Your Persuasion Skills
Before confronting the Thorms, improve your persuasive powers. Equip clothing or accessories that boost your charisma, like the "Circlet of Human Perfection" or the "Performer's Garb." Ensure that a party member with a high Charisma, such as a Bard, Sorcerer, or Paladin, conducts the conversation. Spells such as Enhance Ability (Eagle's Splendor) can briefly boost your Charisma, increasing your chances of success.
In addition, collect information on the Thorms from the environment or NPCs. Clues about their worries, doubts, or connections can lead to unexpected discourse opportunities. Speak with survivors or extensively search their lair for journals, letters, or environmental clues.
Starting a dialogue with Malus Thorm
When confronting Malus Thorm, avoid using aggressive or accusatory language. Begin the conversation by asking about his loyalty to the Absolute. Recognize his pain and the difficulties of living under the Shadow Curse. Malus is prideful and uncompromising, yet appealing to his need for praise can soften his attitude.
If you know anything personal about him or his family from your background, use that to your advantage. You can instill doubt by mentioning any of his children's misgivings or the futility of their cause.
Sowing Dissention Among the Children
The Thorm children, Brina and Tessa (based upon your quest circumstance), are less strict in devotion to the Absolute than their father. If feasible, talk to each of them privately, discussing how they might live their lives curse-free. Share with them how their devotion has wrought suffering and plant the idea for them to defy the same.
Charm Person or Friends can work, but either may create hatred at spell termination. To entice defection, offering true incentives such as protection or asylum is helpful.
Exposing the Betrayal of the Absolute
Of course, one of the best ways to break the Thorm family's resolve is to expose the Absolute's many lies. Utilize evidence you have discovered during your journey: perhaps you know something about the nature of the Absolute or what happens to other members of the cult. Persuasion and deception checks will keep them in check, making them realize that not only is their loyalty misplaced, but they are actually working against their desire to survive.
You can use basic religious or philosophical understanding to remind them of their moral standings. If you have allied yourself with anti-Absolute factions, then bringing up their cause strengthens your position.
Exploiting the Shadow Curse
It is the Shadow Curse that forces the Thorm family to act out. Inform them that their servitude to the Absolute will not free them from the curse, only prolong their agony. If you have Moonlanterns or Selûnite relics, you can show them how such items work against the curse to offer them a very real alternative.
Offer to help lift the curse - either directly, by offering your services, or by pointing them in the direction of safe zones. Their desperation for relief may make the Thorm family more willing to bargain.
Find a Non-Violent Resolution
If you succeed, you'll be able to convince the Thorms to drop their pursuit and leave the Shadow-Cursed Lands. While it rarely happens that Malus relents, being robbed of his children might finally break him and relieve him of the threat. So prepare for Malus's retreat or self-killing option to pop up, depending on what story choices you've made.
Peaceful solution - may provide special dialogue options, give you experience points, or items that you will never have a chance to acquire with aggression. It is the moral high ground, adds depth to the experience, and has a much greater emotional impact.
Words in a World of Violence
Overcoming the Thorm family in Baldur's Gate 3 without having to fight them really shows how roleplaying and deeper storytelling can be done within a video game. With persuasion, empathy, and insight, the disagreement can be resolved amicably for a better understanding of the characters and their conditions. It is not only ingenious on your part but will also have lasting effects on your journey through the Shadow-Cursed Lands.
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