Best Games of 2016
What are the best games of 2016?
by Grayshadow on Dec 17, 2016
2016 has come and gone and with it the end of another generation of video game releases. We saw some disappointing games that left many of us vexed and a lot of notable releases that were thought to be vaporware. Here are our favorite games of 2016.
Ubisoft came out swinging with Watch Dogs 2. Like Assassin’s Creed Ubisoft learned from the first game’s shortcomings and delivered a fantastic sequel that was better than the original in every way. Joining Dedsec and attempting to dismantle companies that sought to violate and use the personal information of their users was a delight from beginning to end. Gone was the mediocre and repetitive missions of the first game, instead, each new task had me taking one brand new challenges and offering some lols along the way.
Titanfall was already a massive hit when it released back in 2014 and with its sequel Respawn Entertainment took the same formula and made it better. The single-player campaign was a short burst of intense action sequences that expanded this world with meaningful exchanges between BT and Jack Cooper while having the player survive intense battles and suicidal missions. The multiplayer refined the competitive field with brand new unlockables, more Titans, and an expansive array of customizable options. It’s strange that EA decided to release this game so close to Battlefield 1 but if you’re looking for another incredible shooter than purchase Titanfall 2. Did I mention that all post-release content is free!
Along with Jak and Daxter and Sly Cooper Ratchet and Clank were the best action-adventure games to own on the PlayStation 2. Insomniac Games decided to reboot the franchise by using the first game as a starting edifice, adding new content, and refining old aspects of the game. The result one of the best action-adventure games to come out in a long time. The expansive weapon selection, brilliant writing, and marvelous characters not only captivated newcomers of the franchise but recaptured the nostalgia from the original games. If you own a PlayStation 4 this is a must buy!
After a decade in development and a name change, Final Fantasy XV finally released this year, and it was worth the wait. Taking Crisis Core’s active combat system and the open-world system that made this franchise such as hit Final Fantasy XV delivered on almost every aspect. Some design decisions were strange, especially towards the middle of the story missions, but overall Final Fantasy XV delivered what it set out to do. A story about 4 friends attempting to save the world while overcoming impossible challenges. By the end, it was a breathtaking journey only made better by the final exchanges between Noctis and his friends.
One of the primary reasons to own a PS4 is to play Naughty Dog’s games and Uncharted 4 is no exception. This outstanding ending to Nathan Drake’s legacy is in every way a masterpiece. From its outstanding single-player adventure to its intense multiplayer. Naughty Dog continuously creates games that go above and beyond, and with each new title sets a brand new standard for a triple-a game. At this point, we should just give their next game the Game of the Year nomination.
Those are some of our favorite games of 2016, what were yours? Let us know in the comments below!
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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