Best Games of October 2017

What were the best games of the month?

 by Grayshadow on  Oct 31, 2017

October was full of amazing games it was hard to just pick one for my monthly commendation so I decided to give it to multiple games. This month we had a massive outpouring for single-player adventures after a former developer came out with EA's new plan for future projects. However, what were the best games of October 2017?

Middle-earth,Shadow of War,NoobFeed,Monolith Games,WB Games,

Middle-earth: Shadow of War

Shadow of War assumes you know nothing about Lord of the Rings, instead, it focuses on what made Shadow of Mordor such as hit; the Nemesis System. Monolith Productions took the same hierarchy system and enhanced it dramatically by providing a myriad of dynamically changing events that ensures no single playthrough is ever the same. As Talion you'll build your own custom army contain Uruks you prefer and raid large Fortresses that house deadly bosses that will test your fighting skills and preparation. That or you could shame someone to the point their mind is broken.

South Park,The Fractured but Whole,NoobFeed,Ubisoft,

South Park: The Fractured but Whole

South Park: The Fractured but Whole doesn't take any shortcuts, this is a South Park game that remains loyal to the short material. The gameplay has been refined from its adequate turn-based RPG combat system to a more robust tactical approach. Best of all the game is utterly entertaining, with jokes that undertake social injustices and sensitive issues. If you enjoy South Park than you need to play this game, or if you're looking for a game that will cause you to burst out laughing. 

The Evil Within 2,Bethesda,Tango Gameworks,

The Evil Within 2

The first The Evil Within had mixed reviews due to the infamous black bars, frequent use of action, and poor stealth mechanics. However, it was praised for its take on the horror genre by placing players within the mind of a demented killer. The Evil Within 2 continues these similar themes and provides significant updates to the game's gameplay along with a fleshed out story that focuses more on the game's protagonist.

The open world of Union connected each objective to one another and the use of multiple serial killers helped break up the action. Best of all combat and stealth have been improved to allow for both styles of gameplay. Best of all it provides an uneasy tension throughout the adventure that only a survival-horror game could successfully do. Hearing the breathing the of a Lost hunting you down was always more confronting than silence.  

Super Mario Odyssey,NoobFeed,Nintendo,

Super Mario Odyssey

What can I say about Super Mario Odyssey that hasn't already been stated? It's a creative adventure that takes simplistic gameplay elements introduced early on in the game and gives you constantly innovative ways to use them. Whether it's possessing a brand new enemy to find a new Power Moon or trying to complete a brand new challenge, Super Mario Odyssey is teeming with content that never felt repetitive. Instead, it was hard to stop playing.

Those are our favorite games of October 2017, what's yours? Let your voice be heard in the comments below!

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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