Borderlands 3 Gigamind Boss Fight Guide
Fight the brain in a jar, with a robotic body
by Grayshadow on Sep 19, 2019
When defending Rhys and his business Atlas from the invading company Maliwan. During the final parts of the mission Zer0 will join you and wants to see how you perform. By killing one of Maliwans' lead AI unit. Which happens to be a brain in a jar.
Gigamind's shield is very weak but it can launch homing attacks and summon an indefinite amount of enemies. If you're playing as Amara this fight will be easy due to Gigamind relying heavily on a reflective shield.
After losing its shield Gigamind will deploy the shield and star using drones to shield its allies. Take out the drones and keep the enemies at bay. The best tactic is to avoid shooting the shield or Gigamind will send the damage right back. Instead, circle it and shoot it from behind. If you have a strong melee build, like with Amara, you can literally pummel it to death.
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