BUG Reporting

Other by BiZZy on  Apr 17, 2010

I had to report this through a blog as NEW THREAD POSTING is not working :(


ILIAS was talking about a bug yesterday. He was probably talking about messed up boards. I was to report that bug two times but for some problems thread posting failed on both occassions :( Next time the thread got posted but it's not showing up :( I think many users may already have tried to report this bug over Bug Reporting section but it's not working as thread posting function is not working properly. I checked that moments ago. I tried to post a Test Thread over OT section; posting seems to be okay for me but the thread is not showing up for me when I enter OT :(


Following screenshots are self-explanatory. I looked into many sections. There are pretty much the same problems everywhere.




Entering those messed up threads lead to this page :






So DON'T Try to open thread again if it fails at the first try.


Meanwhile, notifications are working fine for the moment (includes forum post notifications) & also clicking the number of unread posts heading towards the right place. Thanks goes to junal again :D


That's all. Thanks & regards :)


Mustafa Ruhun Nabi

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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