Death Stranding How to Defeat BT Whale

Defeat the final boss

 by Grayshadow on  Nov 15, 2019

Death Stranding has 1 more boss encounter before the finale. A giant BT whale. You'll remember this creature from the tar pit that took you to the final area of the game. Now it's back.

Death Stranding,NoobFeed,Kojima,

The creature is relatively similar to other BT boss encounters. Simply use blood ammo weapons to take it down. If you have none allies from the Chiral Network will start tossing weapons and blood bags to aid in the fight.

For the most part, the whale will just fly around. As long as you remain on top of a building or platform you'll be safe. If the whale does use its laser, which you can see from a mile away, just dodge out of the way. If a building or your platform sinks into the tar, find another. There's a bunch laying around.

Just be wary of your blood meter and the gold BTs in the area and you'll be good.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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