Destiny 2: Increasing Your Power Level Over 265

How to become the best Guardian

 by Grayshadow on  Sep 11, 2017

Like the original Destiny Destiny 2 is all about grinding for new gear for that sweet Light. For Destiny 2 players progress slows down at Light 265, making legendary engrams and basic activities somewhat worthless. If you want to climb that wall and reach above this limit you'll need to be smart about what activities to complete and what rewards to seek. The upcoming Levithan Raid's Light requirement is a mystery but being prepared for the first challenging level in Destiny 2 isn't a bad thing.

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Exotic Engrams

The most obvious way to upgrade your Guardians is the Exotic items, the most powerful gear in the game. This time the only way to obtain exotic gear is through legendary and exotic engrams and randomly through loot. Looting an exotic engram is much more probable than getting one through engram gambling, Fortunately, there's a way to make the progress less vexing.

Nightfall Strikes and Heroic Public Events are the best chances at getting an exotic engram. However, public events are your best chance since players are attracted to these events, they have no plenty for dying, and you can keep retrying until the goal is completed.

The biggest issue about exotic gear is that players can only equip one armor piece at a time and one exotic weapon. This rule can be bent using the infusion process but you'll lose out on some power. Risk versus rewards, the game of exotic looting.

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2. Legendary Mods

Legendary mods are another way to bolster your gear and are extremely rare. Best is that you can use infusions with legendary mods to make more powerful gear. For example, if you have a legendary at 263 and use a legendary mod, which increases the light value of an item by 5, to 268 and infuse that item with another item with the same value it'll increase the final result. 

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3. End-Game Quests

Each planet in Destiny 2 has a set of world sets and these rewards when completed, earn you an exotic engram. This includes the Rat's King quest, the Mida Multi and Mini Tool, and the Sturm and Drang questline. However, do not cash in these rewards right away. 

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4. Cashing-in

Engrams will only decrypt based on your overall Light. Meaning if you're at 200 Light expect gear around that number, either slightly higher or lower. Saving exotic engrams for the final push is the primary focus to maximize your Light level.

Have any more tips, let us know in the comments below! Destiny 2 is now available for Xbox One and PS4. The PC version launches October 26th. 

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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