Give Metal Gear Survive A Chance

Kojima isn't making Metal Gear Survive but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try it

 by Grayshadow on  Jan 08, 2018

Since its debut, Metal Gear Survive has been under a lot of negativity with trailers being downvoted heavily. The recent release of gameplay footage showcasing the game's survival system has followed the same trend with large downvotes. The game's beta is coming up and will give players the chance to at least try the game before judging it.

Metal Gear Survive,Konami,

The controversy surrounding Hideo Kojima and Konami was massive, especially in regards to the missing final act of The Phantom Pain. The fallout was just as extensive with Kojima leaving Konami and starting a new studio with a new game in development called Death Stranding. Kojima did confirm that The Phantom Pain was the final installment in the Metal Gear franchise but Survive takes place in an alternate dimension. This is a first for the series since the franchise has always focused heavily on political fiction and espionage. Kojima did comment on the zombies stating it doesn't really fit into the universe and he would've added mechs.

In the latest gameplay footage Survive is taking inspiration from the original series with new twists. The base building from Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker has been refined in Survive to appeal to Minecraft players, a scavenge system has been added to give the sense of survival, and the wormhole mechanic has been added to the core gameplay by allowing players to instantly spawn traps, weapons, and support.

Many have cited that the game does look generic. Zombies are one of the most common enemies in video games but developers have surprised gamers using these general enemies. Left 4 Dead, Dead by Daylight, and The Last of Us has shown that zombies can still be formidable adversaries if done right. Granted the latest trailer for Metal Gear Survive doesn't provide the same terror or interest as a Clicker did when it debuted in The Last of Us but it's too early to tell.

Metal Gear Survive,Konami,

What's clear is that Metal Gear Survive is trying something new. It doesn't fit the same mold as the core series but the developers have shown they're attempting to craft something worth playing. A playground of hostile enemies where you create your own base of operations and utilize the tools available to survive.

Konami has a beta planned for Thursday, January 18th until Sunday, January 21st that includes 3 missions and 2 maps. Any save progress will not be carried over in the main game, but participating in the beta will bag you some exclusive items when the game launches on February 20th. Before dismissing the game entirely perhaps you should try it before coming to a decision.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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