Hello there everyone!
General by David_D on May 09, 2010
I've been working the early shift, which is why it hasn't seemed like I have been around a lot but I've been on when I can and slowly making additions to the boards and brainstorming ideas to get more people in here to bring a whole new level of activity to the forums. So everything you can do to help will be appreciated. Make some new threads, and help freshen up the boards. New ideas, change and interesting topics are what it takes to keep people interested. Nobody, not even someone easily amused like myself, likes to come and see the same topics over and over again without any change.
We have a new user here randall who has been doing just that naturally. Also, if you haven't welcomed this new user feel free to do that as well. We have had some fresh faces around here recently and I hope this continues thanks to the great recruiting of some of the users here (Not going to name any specific names since someone always seems to get left out) so keep up the great work there! I've created a few new threads in the General Games Discussion board and the PS3 Board so if you want to see what they are by all means go there and check it out. I have more plans for those boards and others to try and get interest revived in them but it takes time to do things properly and I don't want to do just a rush job because hopefully none of us are going anywhere!
I have to work at 5:00 a.m. again tomorrow so I will be signing off the forums soon but any ideas or suggestions are always welcome, especially when it comes to our beloved forums, so feel free to leave those in the comments below or PM me directly if you don't want others to see your ideas and suggestions. I'm here to serve the community here so don't ever hesitate to let me know how you honestly feel about things and if it's possible I will do my best to make it happen. Thank you for your time and patience and together we can all help make Noobfeedan informative (Thanks to the writers and staff) and fun place to come and spend our free time while still getting our gaming fix satisfied! :)
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