Horace - How to Defeat the Fire Boss

A robot who loves fire and bombs

 by Grayshadow on  Oct 21, 2020

Looks like the developers are a fan of Bomberman as the Fire Boss is all about fire and bombs. Here's how to take it down.

Fire Boss,NoobFeed,505 Games,Horace,

The Fire Boss will constantly hurl fire rocks and bombs at the robot. You can grab a bomb mid-air and the fire rocks will have large gaps you can avoid. Just remember to avoid the following bombs that fall since they come in a line. With a bomb in hand toss it at the Fire Boss.

The Fire Boss will then create pillars, simply knock them down. Now the Fire Boss will start flying around but use the same tactics. The plan hasn't changed, just avoid the fire rocks and toss the bombs back.

In the final phase, the Fire Boss will remain in the center of the room but attack more frequently. The best way to attack is from the bottom as the Fire Boss won't launch attacks directly below. Toss a bomb up and destroy the robot.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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