LiveFeed: Ace of Spades

Livestream gameplay of blocky online shooter Ace of Spades

 by Daavpuke on  Mar 09, 2013

Ace of Spades, Review, Latest, News, Rumor, Preview, Trailer

Online shooters aplenty in this world; those that join the fray better have something to distinguish themselves. First person shooter Ace of Spades does this by attempting to latch on to the Minecraft trope of voxel blocks and building. However, this mainly shooting focused game only adds emptiness to its giant maps and favors only long range fire, which leads to a boring and static experience with little incentive to play on. It works; that’s not the issue. The problem is rather that with all the tools it offers, it should provide more than a game where players find someone’s head and then click. Not the limited game modes or the mismatched classes will be able to save this game picked up by the holders of the Runescape license. We played a whole bunch of this game for your amusement and our torture. That’s what we do here: we give and give, until we can’t give anymore.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed. (@Daavpuke)

Daav Daavpuke

Editor, NoobFeed

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