LiveFeed: Humans Must Answer

A chicken spaceship.

 by Daavpuke on  Mar 20, 2013

Humans Must Answer, Review, Latest, News, Rumor, Preview, Trailer, Gameplay

With the amount of Kickstarter projects out there, it’s often tough to choose. Trust me on this one; we get daily mails about the next big thing in the gaming world. We courteously check out each one, but more often than not, the idea sounds better than it actually is. Luckily, with Humans Must Answer, the execution matches the desire to release a truly unique game.

This 2D classic shoot ‘em up (or shmup) puts the player in a chicken spaceship and sends them flying through the galaxy. There, they’ll find a series of slick building designs, hectic corridors filled with turrets and even a metropolis with flying vehicles. It also adds hidden objects throughout stages that must be collected in order to unlock new ship enhancements, which encourages players to go outside of their comfort zone. Fluent controls, innovative gameplay elements, gorgeous art and a decent, adaptable challenge; what more does a game need? For more information and gameplay as it happens, please look at the short demo below.

If you like what you see, consider pledging to the Kickstarter campaign, as it only requires roughly $7500 for completion.  You can find that page here.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed. (@Daavpuke)

Daav Daavpuke

Editor, NoobFeed

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