Mad Max: First 30 Minutes of Gameplay

Come see what Mad Max is all about in our gameplay commentary.

 by Daavpuke on  Sep 01, 2015

While the buzz around Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain is gigantic, it isn’t the only big game to release today. Mad Max is out as well, so why not show off some fairly spoiler friendly material by playing the first thirty minutes? That’s what we set out to do, because we care about showing you neat things, but still give you some space to explore for yourself without having half the story revealed.

Luckily for you, Mad Max is a game that seems to work on a drip-feed mechanism, so most of the introduction is a set of loose tutorials that go over most major components in the game. We get to see Max in action, brawl a few painted-up Warboys, chat with a friendly yet grizzled mechanic and eventually get a car to roam the deserts of this post-apocalyptic wasteland. There are also some slight environmental interactions in this world, which are akin to exploring tombs in the Tomb Raider reboot. It’s nothing too fanciful in the puzzle department, but it may require finesse to go through.

Mad Max,Gameplay

Combat uses the popular “Arkham” model that strings together attacks seamlessly from one punch to the next, rotating between enemies. Counters can keep the assault going without flinching and finishers can be performed sporadically as well.

Aside from fights, driving is another big part of Mad Max. The car will eventually be able to get fitted with various upgrades, which can be used to charge and crush other vehicles on the wasteland plains. Max gets accompanied by the mechanic while driving.

In thematic designs, health is restocked by drinking water and cars need to be replenished with fuel to function. The wasteland scatters points of interest around, such as outposts that can be destroyed to reduce the threat level or hideouts where valuable scrap can be collected for upgrades.

We’ve played a bit further and what we can say is that the world opens up considerably more than shown in the first half hour. It’s a drip feed, remember? More mechanisms are laid out, other regions open up and optional objectives are added. The Shadow of Mordor vibe is fairly high at times, though without the whole nemesis thing.

Feel free to watch our gameplay commentary below for a solid view on what Mad Max is like:

Oh, before we forget: Mad Max also seems to have a few technical issues here and there. And by that, we mean that the game often glitches out and eventually breaks down. Sound cues drop from existence, textures and models become see through and at some point, we even made it into space.

Mad Max,Gameplay

So that's a thing that regularly happens.

Daav Valentaten, NoobFeed (@Daavpuke)

Daav Daavpuke

Editor, NoobFeed

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