Medal of Honor Closed Beta Impressions + Video
Editorial by Benleslie5 on Jul 09, 2010
Before I begin you'de be wondering how did I get myself one of those Beta keys without pre-ordering the game? Well BestBuy were giving out free Beta codes for PC and PS3 uers at- then you'll get an email for a code link.
And then head over to the cide and select what system to play the Beta on PC or PS3 and you should get an email. The 360 version will be up soon for Xbox owners out there.
Now for my impression on the Mulitplayer-
First off you've downloaded the Beta it'll take over at least 650 MB if your a PS3 user. I've also done a Video blog on it talking abit about my impressions and thoughts on the Multiplayer Beta-
There's only 2 modes alavilable which are Mission and Team Assult, but there's only one mulitplayer set at Kerbal City Ruins with up to around 20 players. You'll also get to choose from Rifle Man, Assult RPG and Sniper man. Each kill you get you'll earn 10+ and 5+ extra if you shoot around the head or work as a team. You'll noticed 0/40 on the bottom right the number of kills you get and manage not to get killed by other players. If you've reached 40/40 you can call for an air-strike and radar boost allowing you to see where the other players are on the map.
(Moderen Warefare- PS3, PC and 360)
Like Moderen Warfare you'll noticed that the graphics looklook the same as most First-Person shooters around our period of time. I havn't played BattlefieldBad Company so I can't really talk about the game and it's multiplayer. DICE have been working on the multiplayer, if you've played Mirror's Edge and Battlefield Bad Company the graphics are a little similar.
(Medal of Honor, PS3, PC and 360)
I've noticed that alot of people are still playing Moderen Warfare and Bad Company 2 for it's multiplayer. But I do wonder if Medal of Honor will be huge once the game is released around October. I've pretty much lostintrest in Call of Duty after playing COD 4 for over a year and 4 months nowand trading it i. You could pretty muchsay that Medal of Honor has sort of got the same ideas but we'll never know once there's been more info about the game and it's multiplayer in the future.
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