My Favorite Game of all Time

Mega Man X is the Greatest Game of All Time

Games by Grayshadow on  Mar 30, 2014

Various websites have attempted to categorize what games are the best of the best and given certain games accomplished titles like “Game of the Year”, “Greatest Game of this Generation” or even the "Greatest Game of All Time". These respected titles are not always one individual's choice but an entire team's collected decision.

In response to this everyone at NoobFeed has been given the opportunity to present and explain their favorite game of all time. Our staff has been given the full freedom to choose whatever game they want; whether it’s a classic title from before most of us were born or a modern game that never gained notoriety, these games are above all the best we’ve ever played.

Mega Man X

Mega Man X,X,Zero,Capcom,Nintendo,SNES,Nintendo,NoobFeed

I’ve seen and played so many video games throughout the years, but none of them compare to Mega Man X. It was the first game I ever bought, and it changed everything I thought about playing video games. I wasn’t restricted to one path but free to explore each stage in whatever order I wished. It was new, challenging and most importantly the most fun I’ve ever had playing a video game.

Each stage took me to a new location teeming with new enemies to defeat, power-ups to locate and a boss to topple. This was the first Mega Man game I had ever played, and realizing that each boss had a specific weapon that they were vulnerable to was shocking. Plotting which path to take to ensure my success required a lot of trial and error, especially because I never knew about the fabled Hadouken ability. Obtaining everything required patience, diligence and a keen sense of exploration.

Mega Man X,Nintendo,Capcom,X,Zero,SNES,NoobFeed

Fighting passed all the robot masters and using their powers to defeat Sigma for the first time is still one of my fondness childhood memories. While my abilities have improved since childhood, I was awful at video games and depended on others to overcome many of the difficult obstacles in various other titles. New revolutionary ideas will transpire in the video game industry, but Mega Man X will remain my most cherished, and favorite, game of all time.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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