NieR: Automata - How to Unlock Emil's Shop and Complete Emil's Memories

Defeat one of the most powerful enemies in NieR: Automata

 by Grayshadow on  Jul 06, 2018

During NieR: Automata you'll encounter a strange looking machine called Emil. This machine not only has rare items for sale but is one of the most powerful enemies in the game, here's how to shop at his store and fight him.

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To unlock Emil's store you'll need to complete the game at least once and obtain a Gold Ore, Memory Allow, Pyrite, and Titanium Alloy. Items that you should have in your inventory if you've completed the game.

Complete the Forest King section of the game and head to the City Ruins, you'll find Emil driving around blasting music. Shoot him to stop him. Emil will randomly provide rare or common items.

After speaking with him go to the Forest Zone and pick up the Lunar Tear at the entrance. Emil will show up to speak to you asking for more Lunar Tears. Here are there locations:

Amusement Park: Near the Item Shop.

Desert Zone: On the opposite end of the caves, toward the entrance to Desert Zone.

Flooded City: On the far platform.

Forest Zone: Inside a cave near the waterfall.

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Once completed Emil will talk to you and give you a key to his Elevator which can be found in the Mall that links the Forest and City Ruin location.

Next up is Emil's house which can be found on the upper left side of the crater when coming from the Abandoned Factory (image above). Head up the left path, cross the gap with a tiny waterfall, and on the right side is a building with an open pipe. Follow the path to locate Emil's home.

Take one of the masks and return to Emil. Emil will complain that someone is stealing from his house. Go back to his house a second time with 9S. There is a treasure chest located there now hack into it to take what’s inside. As you leave, Emil will ambush you in the dark chamber outside his house.

Emil is tough, he's level 99 and can do massive damage with his projectiles or physical attacks. The key is to keep up the hacking assault to lower his health, have a partner such as 2B will make this fight much easier.

Beat Emil and you'll gain access to Emil Heads weapons.

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Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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