Red Dead Redemption 2 How to Activate Cheats And Code List
How to activate cheats codes in Red Dead Redemption 2 without Game Shark
by Grayshadow on Oct 26, 2018
Red Dead Redemption 2 is a long and adventurous game full of exciting challenges. However, you can always cheat like in the old days. Rockstar has included cheat codes within Red Dead Redemption 2 and we know how to unlock them.
PlayStation 4: Open pause menu then Settings and finally press Triangle to open Cheats List. Press Triangle to Enter cheat codes.
Xbox One: Head into the pause menu then Settings and finally press Triangle to open Cheats List. Press Y to open Cheats List then press Y to enter cheat codes.
Some cheat codes require certain items, most are newspapers that can be found within the game's world. These are provided through story progression or can be purchased from sellers in Valentine, Strawberry, Rhodes, Blackwater, and Annesburg. Some require specific newspapers but most do not.
You cannot activate the cheat code if the requirement is not met. The name of the cheat codes is written in bold, followed by the requirement, the name, and finally what it does.
Run! Run! Run!
Requirement - Nothing
Name - Summon Race Horse
Activates - Spawns a Race Horse
You flourish before you die
Requirement - Nothing
Name - Set Health, Stamina, and Dead Eye Bars to Full
Activates - Refills all bars for health, stamina, and deadeye
Keep your dreams simple
Requirement - Nothing
Name - Create Wagon
Activates - Spawns a Wagon with one horse
I shall be better
Requirement - Nothing
Name - Set Dead Eye Level 3
Activates - Allows you to set your level of Deadeye skill to Rank 3
Better than my dog
Requirement - Nothing
Name - Increase Horse Whistle Range
Activates - You can call your horse from any distance regardless of your position
I seek and I find
Requirement - Nothing
Name - Set Dead Eye Level 5
Activates - Allows you to set your level of Deadeye skill to Rank 5
A fool on command
Requirement - Nothing
Name - Drunk
Activates - Instantly makes you drunk (Which is awesome!)
Abundance is the dullest desire
Requirement - Newspaper New Hanover Gazette No. 27. This is purchased from Newspaper merchant in New Hanover Region
Name - Infinite Ammo
Activates - Grants infinite ammo supply
You Long for Sight but See Nothing
Requirement - Newspaper Completed in Chapter 3
Name - Fog of War
Activates - Reveals Entire Map
You Seek More Than The World Offers
Requirement - Newspaper
Name - Fortify Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Bars
Activates - Refill and Fortify all bars
You are a beast built for war
Requirement - Newspaper
Name - Create War Horse
Activates - Spawns a War Horse regardless of position
Would you be happier as a clown?
Requirement - Newspaper
Name - Create Circus Wagon
Activates - Spawns a Circus Wagon (Don't tell Michael)
We'll update the list if more are discovered.
Virtue Unearned is not virtue
Requirement - Newspaper Completed in Chapter 4
Name - High Honor
Activates - Raises Honor Rating
Greed is American Virtue
Requirement - Newspaper Completed in Chapter 3
Name - Heavy Weapons
Activates - Adds Pump-Action Shotgun, Bolt Action Rifle, Mauser Pistol, and Semi-Automatic Pistol weapons to your inventory
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