Shall we dance? (and Resident Evil 5)

Games by Din5193 on  Apr 11, 2009

Well, that title really doesn't have anything to do with the blog (except the RE5 part), I was just looking for a name, and that happens to be the title of the picture I'm using as my new avatar. You like it? :) I think her mouth may look a little weird, but that's only because it's zoomed out so far.

As the title implies, I bought Resident Evil 5. Quite the incredible game; a near-perfect blend of action and horror, backed with an incredible co-op system and enough unlockables to keep you playing through the Campaign for weeks on end. With the addition of the "The Mercenaries" mode and the recent "Versus Mode" DLC, this game comes almost as highly recommended as a game can be. I might review it here later.

So, yeah, apparently the PS2 game "Shadow of the Colossus" is being made into a movie... and apparently, it's being directed by the guy from the Chun Li movie. Undecided Eh, maybe a miracle will happen and it won't turn out to be horrible.

That's about it. See you all soon. :D


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