Steam Summer Sale 2013
Remember to spend responsibly, the next-generation of consoles are coming soon.
News by Grayshadow on Jul 11, 2013
Are you a gamer with extra income and looking for a way to spend it on something since the Xbox One and PS4 is sold out? Well the Steam Summer Getaway Sale has started and is running until July 22. Today’s sale includes Don’t Starve for $12, Left 4 Dead 2 for $5, Scribblenauts Unlimited for $5, Hotline Miami for $2.50, Endless Space for $10.20, and Toku Tori 2 for $9.90. The Daily Deal includes BioShock: Infinite for $30.
The Summer Sale will include flash discounts includes Grid 2 for $30, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive for $5.10, Dragon Age: Origins Ultimate Edition for $9, and Skyrim for $21 that will run for eight hours. You can vote for the next Community Choice Sale that include Dishonored, Borderlands 2, and Far Cry 3.
This year’s sale will include Steam’s Trading Cards that can be traded and collected for new in-game goods and used to earn badges for extra content. Remember to spend responsibly.
Contributor, NoobFeed
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