Thinking of changing my complete look + Blog 100
General by King on Jul 28, 2009
Here it is, the first user in NoobFeed's short history to reach the milestone of 100 blogs. I hope you weren't expecting me to do some big special blog for it. I was actually considering it but I just said screw it because I wanted your opinion on something else. So yay for that achievement. We'll see if there's an emblem for that.
Now on to the actual blog. In my last blog I asked for your suggestions on my forum signature, and now I'm considering redoing the look of my entire profile. By the way I decided to go with the MGS sig because even though it had the second most votes I didn't want the Mike Tyson one because I was just using it a few weeks ago. But I plan to use a lot of the sigs I posted in that blog eventually.
So anyway I'll get to the questions, the first being: Is it time for me to change avatars? The second is about my banner, would you prefer seeing the current one or should I switch to that picture of Method Man & Redman playing Nintendo 64? Or possibly I could make a collage of some album covers? So help me friends to create the best looking profile I can.
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