VIce President Joe Biden meets with Video Game Representatives about Violence in Video Games

Games by Grayshadow on  Jan 11, 2013

The United States Government is looking to create remedies to gun violence, Vice President Joe Biden will be meeting with the Entertainment Association representative Michael Gallagher, researchers, the Electronic Consumer Association, game publishers and retail executives today. All these figures will be discussing violence in video games in response to recent shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School to see if violence in video games can contribute to violent behavior. 

Biden has been tasked by President Barack Obama to create proposals that can address gun violence by the end of the month that are expected include recommendations from each meeting. This is one of many meetings with different groups in numerous fields such as mental health, teachers, and media. Yesterday a meetings with the NRA and film industry. The NRA officials were disappointed with the meeting stating that it did little to protect children and more to attack the Second Amendment.

Video game organizations have written letters to Biden to offer help in researching the topic that include the International Game Developers Association, the Entertainment Merchants Association and the Entertainment Consumers Association. In addition a bill that was introduced in Congress by Jay Rockefeller to study the effects of violent video games and other content is planned to be reintroduced by the end of the month.   

 Polygon Associated Press

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed 

Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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