South Park: The Fractured But Whole was one of the best games released last year. Successfully repeating the same stellar insanity that fans of the show come to expect within a unique superhero-themed world. Now the adventure continues with From Dusk Till Casa Boni...
South Park: The Fractured But Whole was one of the best games released last year. Successfully repeating the same stellar insanity that fans of the show come to expect wi
After defeating the Master Vampire and making it past the water level you have one more fight, Corey Haim. Of course, we know who he really is but nevertheless, you must save Karen
After making your way to the top of the cliff of Casa Bonita you'll face the Master Vampire. Mike McKowski's father has revealed himself as the head Vampire and is ready to
The first major fight you'll encounter in South Park: The Fractured But Whole From Dusk Till Casa Bonita is Chiquita. While not the most difficult fight the guerrilla