Descenders is a simple game, you're placed on a bike and told to reach your goal. The path having been randomly generated with many forms of obstacles ranging from jumps, rocks, tiny paths, castles, or whether its night or day. This rush of getting to the end while trying to ...
Descenders is a very popular downhill biking title where players challenge their ability to make quick decisions while rushing through trial. It has released on all major plat
We have a copy of Descenders to giveaway to our fans. We have 2 PS4 digital copies to give away to our fans. Here's how to win: Comment below your favorite bike
The high-speed downslope biking game Descenders is now out on PS4, PC, and Xbox One. Now it's coming to Nintendo Switch this November 6th. Those who pre-order
Descenders, the intense downhill biking game, is now coming to PS4 and Nintendo Switch this Spring 2020. The game will release in both physical and digital formats. Wit
Descenders is a simple game, you're placed on a bike and told to reach your goal. The path having been randomly generated with many forms of obstacles ranging from jumps, rocks