Peet is a young orphan from Redwind Village who grew up with no friends. But when he finally finds someone he connects with, a girl by the name of Wren, she is snatched away from him by a supernatural being which is residing in the local asylum. Upon witnessing this kidnappi...
"Once upon a time, there was a boy named Peet who slept peacefully. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a nightmare" (Neversong Official Website). Put yourself i
Peet is a young orphan from Redwind Village who grew up with no friends. But when he finally finds someone he connects with, a girl by the name of Wren, she is snatched away from h
Platform(s): | Xbox One, PS4, Switch, PC |
Publisher(s): | Serenity Forge |
Developer(s): | Atmos Games |
Genres: | 2D Platformer |
Themes: | 2D Side Scrolling, Horror, Puzzle |
Release Date: | 2020-07-16 |
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