Tribes of Midgard Update Wolf 1.10 Now Available

New cosmetics and bug fixes available in Tribes of Midgard

By Grayshadow, Posted 02 Sep 2021

Tribes of Midgard has a new patch adding new difficulty options for Survival Mode, boss changes, and bug fixes.

Tribes of Midgard,NoobFeed,

You can read the entire patch below.


A R4VEN.MK.III Pet has found its way into your collection of Cosmetics. Navigate to the Pets section of the Customize menu to take a look for yourself!

This mysterious device arrived bearing an encrypted runic sequence that reads:
“To all of our Einherjar, I am sending you this raven drone to celebrate the official launch of our glorious mission on July 27th of Midgard Year 2021. We thank you for your patience while we continuously improve the game and your experience. May it watch over you and your tribe. Your support is worth more to us than the Nine Realms combined.” – Sincerely, Techno Oðinn.

<>Gameplay Changes

Saga Mode

Added Bomblings and Sirelings to Helthing attack waves during Fimbulwinter

Norsfell: This change should make the continuous night defenses of Fimbulwinter more challenging and more interesting for those who wish to brave Saga Mode’s late game.

Survival Mode – Easy

Increase to Creature, Helthings and Jötunn Difficulty

Survival Mode – Medium and Hard

Moderate increase to Creature, Helthings and Jötunn Difficulty

Slight increase to Jötunn HP, Armor and Attack Multiplier as they level up

Norsfell: We are putting additional efforts into fine-tuning the difficulty of Survival Mode to make it a bit more engaging and challenging for players, both in early game and as the Days progress.


Decreased the amount of Souls granted for defeating Fenrir by 30%

Decreased the amount of Souls granted for defeating Jötunn by 6% overall

Norsfell: The Souls economy is integral to the game and we’re continuing to fine-tune the yield from all sources for a more balanced experience. We felt the very high amount of Souls awarded for defeating Fenrir, for example, were supplying late-game players a little too well as they prepared for the attrition of Fimbulwinter.


Adjusted the rewards and increased the number of them granted for completing Quests

Souls awarded for completed Quests are now adjusted based on the labelled Difficulty of the Quest, with Hard awarding the most and Easy awarding the least.

Completed Quests will now respawn after 10 Days

Slight increase to the amount of Helthings required to be defeated to complete the “To Hel with You” Quest.

<>Bug Fixes

Fixed some instances of Players being unable to claim their Challenge Rewards. We will continue to monitor the situation for further fixing

Fixed some instances of Players not earning any XP after joining a Matchmaking session. We will continue to monitor the situation for further fixing

Fixed an issue where the number of Golden Horns would sometimes inaccurately display well above the maximum of 99 after taking the Bifröst

Fixed an issue where an error message and a loss of Golden Horns could occur when taking the Bifröst at 99 Golden Horns

Fixed an issue in which the Golden Egg Rune would not stack correctly 

Fixed an instance of a crash that could occur when fighting Fenrir in Multiplayer

Fixed an instance in which a crash could occur when leaving through the Bifröst from a Matchmaking game

Fixed an instance in which multiple players in a session could crash after defeating a Jötunn in a Matchmaking game

Fixed an issue in which donating Souls to Yggdrasil could affect the Soul Powered Rune

Fixed an issue in which spamming the Kill Your Viking button would trigger multiple instances of the Last Laugh Rune’s explosions

Fixed some rare occurrences in which players would be booted from the session after using the Golden Altar

PS4: Fixed an issue in which slight framerate drops and graphical issues could sometimes happen when picking up Golden Horns

PS4/PS5: Fixed an issue in which latency spikes could sometimes occur when Jötunn are spawned or slain during prolonged Multiplayer sessions (Day 30+)

Fixed some instances of the Baldr Greaves clipping into Feet and Chest Armors

Fixed some instances of the Fenrir’s Hinds clipping into Chest Armors

Fixed some instances of the Hersir Pants clipping into Chest Armors

Fixed some instances of the Raider Pants clipping into Chest Armors

Fixed an issue where some characters’ hands were clipping through Hammers

Fixed some instances of text overlap in the UI in multiple languages

Fixed an issue that caused Yggdrasil’s leaves to flicker on and off when toggling Windowed Mode

Fixed an issue in players might lose out on the contents of their Loot Chest if they manually attempt to exit the session just as they die and are respawning

Fixed an issue that caused loot bags to be seen floating in the air in Fenrir’s Lair

Fixed some instances in which Járnsaxa’s lightning fist attack would sometimes not cause damage if the player was directly under it

Fixed an issue in which defeating a Jötunn with an Enchanted Tripwire would wrongfully attribute the glory to Oðinn

Fixed an issue in which destroying Barricades with an Enchanted Tripwire would not grant any loot

Fixed an issue in which the Hunter’s Decoy wouldn’t despawn gracefully with VFX

Fixed an issue in which the petting prompt for your Pet could interfere with other interactions, like opening Chests. Now your Pets will have to wait their turn.

Fixed an issue in which the visual effects on the temperature gauge would not show in Survival Mode whenever a Heatproof or Coldproof Elixir was used

Fixed an issue where the Beyond Repair Rune inaccurately stated that it reduced Souls cost by 20% and now correctly reflects 15%

Fixed an issue in which the Display Resolution wouldn’t always save correctly when setting to 4K resolutions

Fixed an issue in which the crafting of Fortifications could trigger in the Tutorial if you let the Jötunn destroy the default ones

Fixed an issue with the Spell icons of the Seidr Hammer I and II

Fixed an issue in which the Warden would lose their 6th Rune slot after Saving and Quitting then returning

Fixed an issue in which the Toggle Headgear input could stop working throughout a session when attempting to toggle it without any Headgear equipped

Fixed an issue that could cause Fenrir’s health bar to appear in the Village if you use your Waystone from the Lair at the start of the fight

Fixed an issue in which Village NPC’s names might not display correctly when fighting Helthings

Fixed an issue in which Fortifications could return to full health upon re-entering a World

Fixed inconsistencies in the Warrior’s Blessing descriptions across some languages

Fixed an issue that could cause a Player to get stuck at the edge of Fortified Gate after it’s destroyed

Minor performance improvements on all platforms. We will continue to optimize with future updates.

Adam Siddiqui,
Managing Editor, NoobFeed

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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, PC
Publisher(s): Gearbox Publishing
Developer(s): Norsfell
Genres: Adventure, Action,
Themes: Survival
Release Date: 2021-07-27

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