Today, The Pokémon Company released a new trailer for the remakes of Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Saphire. In the video, we get to know four new Mega Evolutions, as well as a the new ability, Soar. The four Mega Evolutions are: Mega Latios, Mega Latias, Mega Pidgeot and Mega Beedrill. Although this information was leaked days before, the four new Mega Pokémon have been officially announced.
The trailer also features six legendary Pokémon present in the Hoenn region: Ho-Oh, Lugia, Palkia, Dialga, Zekrom and Reshiram. In order to catch them, the player must use the ability Soar, available upon befriending either Latios or Latias, depending on the version, which will grant them the capability of flying through the air and into Mirage areas.
Lastly, there is also information regarding the demo of these games. The demo version will be available Oct. 21 and, in order to be elegible to get a code, one must be signed in the Pokemon's Trainer Club and have checked the option to receive their newsletter.
Pokémon Alpha Saphire and Omega Ruby will be available a month after its demo release, November 21, exclusively for the Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo 2DS.
Jonathan Coutiño, NoobFeed
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