Back at the TGS Square Enix announced Left Alive, a survival-action mecha shooter. During an investor conference call President and CEO Yosuke Matsuda talk about the game and plans for it to become a triple-a franchise without spending "massive" amounts in development.
"We want to make it into a AAA brand, but that does not mean that we intend to devote massive development costs to it....Content-wise, the game will be satisfying in a hardcore way, and that’s how we want to market it to players."
Left Alive is said to be a survival action shooter, with heavy post-apocalyptic elements. The game already has a stellar main staff that includes Metal Gear Solid artist Yoji Shinkawa, Direction by Toshifumi Nabeshima, known for the Armored Core series, and mecha design by Takayuki Yanase, who worked on Ghost in the Shell: Arise, Mobile Suit Gundam 00 and Xenoblade Chronicles X.
Left Alive is set for a 2018 release.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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