FromSoftware has moved from the Dark Souls franchise to their new game Code Vein but it seems they're open to remastered the games. Dark Souls Remastered has been confirmed and it's even coming to the Nintendo Switch.
The remaster was confirmed at the end of today's Nintendo Direct mini with a small trailer confirming the game. No gameplay was shown but players can expect updated graphics, improved frame rate, better resolution, and all DLC released.
There are rumors that FromSoftware is looking to remaster the entire Dark Souls trilogy for the Nintendo Switch and this could be the first step in doing that. However, sales may be the defining reason. If this remaster sells well we could see Dark Souls 2 and 3 make its way to the Nintendo Switch.
Dark Souls Remastered is coming to Switch, PS4, Xbox One, and PC, and is currently set to release on May 25.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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