PlayStation Now Will Stream PlayStation 4 Games Soon

PlayStation 4 games coming to PlayStation Now

News by Grayshadow on  Mar 14, 2017

The PlayStation Now service may have ended on the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita but Sony intends to update the service by bringing PlayStation 4 games to the lineup.

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Revealed on PlayStation Blog Sony plans to add PS4 games to the streaming service, with a beta planned in the upcoming weeks. PlayStation Now subscribers can partake in the beta and should keep their eyes out for an invitation via email.

Sony hasn't given a date but plans to release the update in 2017, most likely before the holiday season.

“We’re excited to announce that PS Now’s catalog is set to grow even further, as we’ll be expanding to include a new platform: PlayStation 4 games,” said Brian Dunn, Senior Marketing Manager at PlayStation Now. “All of the games in the service, including PS4 games, will be included with a single PS Now subscription. We’ll share more information as we get closer to launch, so stay tuned.”

At the moment the PlayStation Now services has over 400 games available to stream and it's likely Sony will add acclaimed PS4 games to encourage new subscribers, perhaps Uncharted 4 and Ratchet and Clank PS4.

Sony does have to contend with Microsoft's latest Xbox Game Pass which will provide over 100 Xbox One and Xbox 360 games for $9.99. Let's see if Sony can keep their lead over Microsoft.

Source: PlayStation Blog

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