Deus Ex: Human Revolution
It is an extensive 20-25 hour game that encourages replay value, especially for those looking to unlock everything.
Reviewed by Grayshadow on Aug 25, 2011
Deus Ex: Human Revolution is the third installment in the franchise by Eidos that combines first-person action shooting and strategic RPG. You play Adam Jensen a private security expert for the bio-mechanical augmentation company known as Sarif Industries. Human augmentation has changed the planet and caused both great praise and distress. Sarif Industries is one of these companies that research and built these forms of technology that can be used to enhance anything in the human body. Right from the beginning the Adam Jensen is forced to undergo massive human augmentations after a devastating attack on Sarif Industries by an array of supersoilders who steal valuable data pertaining to a new piece of technology and kill all the Scientists working the project. It is after this event that Adam Jensen is swept up into a global conspiracy revolving around these new and dangerous enhancements.
As Adam Jensen it is your job to undercover the events pertaining to the initial attack on Sarif Industries. You will be sent to areas such as Shanghai, Montreal, and Detroit to complete objectives given to you by David Sariff. The story starts off slow but once it gets going you will be sucked in from start to finish.
Human Revolution explores the relationship with the media, big business, and the government the help aluminates the story by combining elements from reality to help the story progress. The player will makes decisions that will be projected on new reports via televisions and newspapers that acknowledge how you completed missions. Data logs and emails are also scattered around the environment that give hints into the world around you and sometimes dive deeper into your past.
Players will also encounter an array of characters. In the world of Deus Ex: you will encounter those who think augmentations will steer humanity to the next phase of evolution, while other think it is a threat to humanity. The atmosphere does a good job of allowing these ideological differences to develop. Choosing on how you choose to talk to the people that flood Deus Ex: can determine how you complete quest or how they response to you. Making these decisions throughout the game will determine how the story developers and which of the multiple endings you will receive.
The style and look of Human Revolution is something to admire. A beautiful color palette In Deus Ex: combines both black and gold colors that depict this shady time of human advancement. This type of visual consistency is common throughout the game, but very striking. Human Revolution tries to create a believable futuristic setting by populating the various locations with things such as hobos cluttered around fires, gangs in the streets, and people looking through trash cans for food.
It’s this desire that Human Revolutions technical issues become more apparent. Cities are big but not enormous, dated facial textures, and lip to voice syndication. The entirely of the environments are impressive but it is obvious that the developers tried to get more from the graphical engine that it could handle.
Deus Ex: plays from the first-person perspective and shifts to the third person when behind cover. Human Revolution finest appeal is how it allows the player to tackle each objective a number of different ways. If you want to go in guns blazing or sneak your way into a complex it is your choice. At times you can be overwhelmed, in a good way, with the amount of ways each mission can be completed. However despite the amount of ways you can finish a mission no element is done extremely well then another, especially when compared to other games.
Players can enhance several of different abilities and weapons that give Jensen access to different areas. As you player you will gain experience points that when accumulated will earn you praxis points: which in turn can be traded from skills and enhancements. If you choose to play Deus Ex: as a shooter you will find the cover based system to work effectively enough, but not Gears of War effective. Enemies aren’t challenging and waiting for the enemies to reload before pumping them with lead is an effective tactic. There is also a stealth option that rewards players with more experience if they complete the mission without causalities.
One of the most enjoyable sequences in the game is to watch Jensen take down an enemy using either the lethal or non-lethal combat option. The camera pulls out and the player watches at Jensen takes out one or two guards in an incredible fashion. Often these situations are interrupted by overlapping textures, but they look so good I found each take-down worth the risk. You can even choose to look for alterative points of entry such as vents hidden behind heaving and light objects, punch through weak walls, or hack through an unguarded door which involves you to complete a mini-game to create a digital network path before you’re shut-out. Human Revolution pre-dominantly is flexible and encourages the player to scavenge for options for most of the objectives.
At first the game encourages choice, but there are certain situations that abandon this mechanic and force the player to complete an objective under specific terms and outcomes. In these types of situations that can cause frustration because situations that demand this ask for specific abilities. If you didn’t upgrade a certain ability that is demanded you can be left in the cold.
At the beginning I never found myself overwhelmed with the choices I made and also had avenues of success despite the strengths and weakness of my point distribution. However during specific events the element of choice was eliminated and now I was forced to tackle missions using specific tactics that I didn’t prepare for using my praxis points. This can lead to a lot of frustration, especially during boss fights for those who targeted their enhancements towards non-combatable developments. For a game that focuses on the choices of the player to have them be made for you is misleading.
The other issue of Deus Ex: is technical. There are game stability issues that can cause quest to break and frame-rate issues. There is also an unbalance difficulty in the A.I. At times I found enemies unable to see me in plain sight or somehow able to spot me from unbelievable positions. There are long load times that separate small areas despite showing that this game doesn’t push the limit of modern technology, regardless of platform.
Despite its flaws Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a great game. You can pick out many flaws in many aspects of the game whether it is the gameplay or the presentation, however when taken in as a whole package this first-person action RPG is an appealing a satisfying adventure. This interpretation of the future I found particularly disturbing because certain elements are grounded within our own reality to make it sound.
It is an extensive 20-25 hour game that encourages replay value, especially for those looking to unlock everything. The longer you play the more the story will suck you in. Human Revolution doesn’t do any one thing great, but it combines them into such an enthralling atmosphere and exciting versatility that after the beating the game you will want to go back for more.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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