Energy Air Force: Aim Strike PS2
Reviewed by Sdfc87 on Jan 09, 2010
Energy Air Force Aim Strike the Player take the role of the pilot NOT the plane which makes this game.
The graphics are excellent, great scenery or water, city, desert, green pastures and quite good detailed air bases and there are aircraft carriers along with its ballte flee surrounding it. Cockpit graphics make it look almost real.
The game makes you taxi to a runway to take off or launch form a Aircraft Carrier, fly to waypoints, fight the enemy and return back to land at base or the carrier. The carrier Landing is quite fun. the game is a flight simulator not a air fight (Dog Fight) game.
This game was also developed with Lockheed-Martin and several Air Force units. Which gives it the feel of flying the plane and detail of the missions. You begin with a F-16 but can choose Aircraft through the games. They Include F-22 Raptors, FA/18 Superhornets, F-15 Eagles to name a few.
There is no real said country you fight for But im guessing the US and also fly alongside wingmen (Other Aircraft) for each mission and other allies aircraft. Once again not said who but by judging call sign voice and aircraft they be Australians :P also there is technicals aspects as to types of weapons, amount of fuel you must monitor.
the only bad part is missions can take a fair bit of time to complete by flying to checkpoints and completing the mission and flying back home even if your aircraft is supersonic its very slow moving. And takes a while to get used to firing at enemies.
But this is a terrific modern day flight simulator worth a look at for any flight fan.
My 3 Stars
3 - Mission Take alot of time
2 - enviroment on ground and bases, carrier is great and allied aircraft fly with you
1 - Aircraft Carrier my fav part and more of a flight sim
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