FIFA 2011

Changes can not be revolutionary, but they are incisive and make everything better

Reviewed by Canana on  Oct 16, 2010

FIFA 11 promotes the return of all the game modes from past editions, but with a wide range of enhancements and adjustments. Among the new features is the menu itself. Career mode now includes both journey as a player, coach or both at the same time. Thus, in the same game mode, we can pursue a career as a player (Be A Pro), Coach (Manager) or as both simultaneously, controlling your virtual athlete and commanding his team off the pitch. The new career mode is much more detailed, in all respects. As a player you can take any position on the field (including goalkeeper); longer coaching the team's control options are even more profound. Management is developing day by day, literally, because the actions are recorded by a calendar and points out various activities for the team.

The multiplayer modes follow the same route, which is great because the high quality of FIFA 09 and FIFA 10. You can play exhibition matches local or online, or embark on real leagues and international tournaments via Xbox LIVE and PSN. Team Play mode, in which each player controls only one athlete wins new appeal with the introduction of the control system of goalkeepers. Now is, in fact, 11 against 11. Fun is guaranteed, provided that participants pay attention to their respective positions and are really interested in playing as a team. During several Arcade games online everyhting seems to be in its place, who was the defense kept the position, while the midfielders and strikers exchanged passes and tried to stick to defensive opponent. However, there are other who abandoned the goal and had ventured into the attack with the goalie, leaving the goal completely unprotected. Fortunately the captains - players responsible for hosting - can ban such adventurous footballers.

FIFA 2011 Review

The big news in the gameplay will be the introduction of the Be A Pro mode with goalkeepers. The possibility of commanding such honoured position in your team is part of the concept behind FIFA 11 - whose motto is: "We are 11 in the field." Controlling the goalkeeper is very interesting, but not unlike an athlete playing ahead, unless the peculiarities of the position. Commands without the ball are much the same - using the face buttons to suggest that his fellow running passes, crosses, through-balls or trim the opponent's goal. Personality + system significantly improves the AI of each player, the game recreates the actual behavior of the athletes on the field. Drawing on a database containing 36 attributes and 57 features for each player, the system tries to reflect the actual behavior of Messi and company in the virtual fields.

The word that best defines all the improvements in FIFA 11 is refinement. In fact, the changes are not large, but raise almost every aspect of the game. The graphics are a good example. At first glance little has changed, however, a closer look see how the animations are more fluid and much more detailed lighting. The movement is more natural and therefore more realistic points that help build a title truly superior to its predecessor.

The FIFA 11 soundtrack keeps the same quality like in previous editions. Music from around the world pack their training sessions at the "lounge". But the highlights are the custom tracks. For the first time in the series, you can insert your own songs and chants in the game. Traditional hymns and chants of the supporters can be transferred to the game. Additionally, you can set them to ring during the presentation of the teams, after the goals, fouls, or the end of matches.

FIFA 2011 Review

The title also explores new forms of customization, integration and social networks. The Creation Centre is a major publisher of online content, where players can create new clubs and players via internet browser. The editor is quite complete and has many customization options, including behavioral aspects of the player that you are creating. Best of all is that all content can be shared with other players, who can download your creations and use them in the game.

It is difficult to point to many problems in FIFA 11. The game is not perfect and has some problematic issues, however, in no time, they really affect the enjoyment of the game as a whole. During the games online, we experienced some rare lag moments, but punctual and do not compromise the game. Another point that could have received more attention is the narration in other languages (Portuguese is missing in this edition of the franchise).

With improvements in gameplay, artificial intelligence, graphics and a variety of other attributes, FIFA 11 may not impress at first sight, but is without a doubt the best football simulator available.The options for online and offline gameplay are more than enough to keep any sports fan interested in the game. And yet, with the additions of 11 against 11 and the new career mode, we have something even more compelling.

Marco Cecilio, NoobFeed

Marco Cecilio

Subscriber, NoobFeed



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