The Darkness II
The Darkness II delivers a decent story and bloody action.
Reviewed by Grayshadow on Feb 10, 2012
The 2007 game The Darkness was admired for its combination of supernatural oddities and strong complicated relationships that used similar mechanics as other games but combined them into a different experience. However the developers have taken a new direction with The Darkness 2 by eliminating the personal bonds and origin stories of the first title and focusing more on linear action. While playing The Darkness 2 I definitely felt like a dark deity able to kill enemies in an array of vicious ways with ease it was a shame that I was killing the same enemies over and over again. Although The Darkness 2 is a good game and does make the player feel like a demonic deity the experience is cut short with a short campaign and shallow ending.
If you haven’t played The Darkness the game starts with a short summary of the first game to ensure that players will understand why and what is happening. Two years have passed since the events of the first game and the protagonist Jackie Estacado is now the leader of the Franchetti family. Jackie still mourns the death of his girlfriend Jenny and has suppressed The Darkness for the past two years. It’s not long before Jackie is unknowingly attacked and must once again make a deal with the Darkness to destroy the people that threaten his empire and family. As you progress Jackie will be challenged with both physical and mental anguish that may make him question what is real and what isn’t
The Darkness 2 uses a different style for the previous game and may disappoint those who enjoyed the style of the first game. The developers have fashioned the game using a graphic noir style that focuses more on shock then dread. Characters and enemies are well-designed but due to the new graphic system don't appear to have the same striking looks as the first game. The look of the game is new but never the less provides some good visuals as you ripe the organs out of your enemies.
The Darkness was known for its wonderful voice-acting and The Darkness 2 doesn’t disappoint. Each significant character you interact with has been articulated with pin point accuracy. The most impression performance comes from Mike Patton as The Darkness. The soundtrack itself does a good job of conveying the setting of each environment as you plow through waves of enemies, but don’t plan for anything amazing.
The Darkness 2 takes a large leap forward from the first title’s combat system. Jackie himself can carry single or duel wield weapons, but the real fun comes from using the Darkness. With the Darkness you can throw enemies into the air, throw a darkling, slam them into the ground, channel dark essence into your guns, expel insects, or grab them and choose up to four vicious ways to murder them. These graphic attacks also allow the player to regenerate health, gain ammo, recharge special abilities, or gain a shield. Unlike the first title you are limited to one Darkling, however this guy more than makes up for his dark sense of humor. Using these abilities in conjunction is easy and encouraged; allowing one ability to be systematically linked to the next is easily done. It’s a shame that you will use these abilities predominately on the same enemies over and over again. The Darkness 2 does try to mix things up by providing sneak sequences where you play as a Darkling, but these are minor distractions till you get back to playing as Jackie. It also doesn't help that the developers saturated the game with the same enemies regardless of stage.
The Darkness 2 introduces a new experience and leveling system that was absent from the first title. Every kill you perform and relic you collect provides dark essence which can be used in specific talent trees to upgrade Jackie. When I was finished upgrading all the abilities I was almost unbeatable allowing me to truly feel like the dark deity that posses Jackie against the same enemies again and again.
The Darkness 2 also provides a cooperative option known as Vendetta mode that can be played solo or 4-player online. Players can choose up to four characters that each posses a unique dark essence weapon and special abilities. Like Jackie playing as these characters unlocks dark essence and can be used to upgrade specific talent trees. However unlike some titles these campaign missions are directly linked to the main story allowing to fill in the gaps between the single player adventure and ending with a good boss fight. It's a shame that even with the cooperative missions the game can be completed in about 6-7 hours.
The Darkness 2 does deliver a decent story and bloody action. However it fails to deliver the same experience of the first title and instead you get a linear action pack title that focuses more the supernatural aspects of The Darkness. Yes the bond between Jackie and Jenny is still moving but it’s a shame that everyone else was left in the cold. The Darkness 2 delivers a satisfying shooter that will quench the thirst of any action fan, if only it was longer.
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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