28 Fetus Later

Other by FetusZero on  Jun 28, 2010

What's happening to this profile!? Quite simple, my dear friends: It's been infected! I welcome you to witness 28 Fetus Later, a new theme which is, obviously, quite a rip off from 28 Days Later. I felt like bringing some changement around for my profile and hit your eyes with a new banner and avatar, but I also had a plan in my head all along for its release. I present to you my new custom speaker tags for my A40 headset!

Megaman, proudly sporting the pair of A40's with custom speaker tags.

Now, for those who have known me for a long time from other websites (apart from RON I don't know who else does actually), they'll know that I am quite something when it comes to avatars and banners, in the meaning that I never change them. My old Fetus theme has been going on for several years, more than I can even remember, and it even transfered to NoobFeed as I moved along. I felt like I needed to bring some changements though, as NoobFeed evolves, so does its community.

It all started when I first received my A40 Audio System and how I noticed you had the possibility to create your own personal speaker tags. It's not that the original ones are ugly, they are quite beautiful actually. It's more of a way to sign your headset as yours and make it unique among the community, adding some special flavor to the whole thing. Less than a week after receiving the A40, I quickly started imagining designs, adding layers after layers in GIMP. At one point I couldn't even count the number of layers I had in GIMP, where every layer was something entirely different. They did, however, have something in common: Ice.

Megaman lets us know that Iceman isn't part of this current design.. or so he thinks..

While the final design might not seem like it, it started off as a sheet of ice textures. My first idead was to create speaker tags that would make you feel cold just by staring at them. Something that you wouldn't dare even touch for fear that your finger would begin freezing, turning you into a popsicle. After several, endless hours and endless numbers of ice textures, I found out that giving such an icy chilly feeling to a computer image is a lot harder than I expected. I spent countless hours, days and a couple weeks trying to give it this so desired feeling, which would only end in failure every single time. If you ever get the chance to, you can always ask my friend Jen, or David too, and many others who were unlucky enough to have me within their friends list during my designing sessions how hard I was working on this.

In the meantime, while searching for crazy icy fonts and creative ways to write with frozen letters, I came accross the 28 Days Later font, which I then decided to take out the movie and watch a small part of it.. almost. After hours of working on icy textures and finally finding something that suited the whole aspect of feeling cold and chilly, I scrapped everything that same night, stuck a transparent Biohazard sign over the ice and made the rest black. I then proceeded in incorporating a 28 Days Later style font written in white, strangely enough. This is the end results:

The superb custom speaker tags to which I have awarded the name "28 Fetus Later".

In the end, the icy cold chilly freezing texture is still there, it is what the biohazard sign is made of. Printed on glossy black tags, I had to make the whole contour entirely transparent so I wouldn't lose any of the gloss, which shows up as marvelously glossy. I decided to add the Astro logo at the bottom of the tags solely out in due respect to Astro Studios/Gaming for allowing me to customize my A40 headset. After all, despite being custom tags, I still want to show that they're Astro's.

While I have had my design for a while since it took around 2 weeks and a half to receive the final product in my hands, I decided to wait for this blog in order to apply the same logo to my banner and avatar. Those who have me on their messenger might have already noticed the change, but for the others, this is purely new.

You shall be warned though, as these won't be my last custom tags, I plan on starting a new design this week already. My goal is to have many more tags to choose from whenever I want, to bring some changement every now and then.

Thank you for reading and hopefully you people will enjoy the change!

Pascal Fetuszero

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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