3 Reasons to Get a PS4 Pro Instead of an Xbox One X
Should you get an Xbox One X or PS4 Pro?
by Grayshadow on Aug 22, 2017
The Xbox One X is now available for pre-order. Many are attempting to get their hands on the exclusive Project Scorpio Edition, which is a limited run. Amazon is currently sold out but is the console worth it. Which is prudent to get now that there's a choice, the Xbox One X or the PlayStation 4 Pro?
Many More Exclusives
Compared to the Xbox One library the PlayStation 4 exclusive list of games continues to grow. This year along Sony gamers enjoyed Horizon: Zero Dawn, NieR Automata, Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy, Gravity Rush 2, and many more games. Even with the Xbox One X's power with nothing unique to the console, it's hard to invest into the system. Imagine if Scalebound was still coming out?
$500, Again!?
One of the vexing things about the original Xbox One was the price tag, with Microsoft attempting to force the new Kinect onto people. Instead of a Kinect, we get nothing. The system's specs are impressive but considering that the PS4 Pro is $100 cheaper and has a more robust library of exclusive games, asking for an addition $100 is much.
Nothing on the Horizon
As I've previous stated, the library of PlayStation 4 exclusives is higher than Xbox One. PlayStation fans have more to look forward to such as God of War and Shadow of the Colossus PS4. Microsoft, on the other hand, recently delayed Crackdown 3 and had nothing to fill the void. Cuphead looks great and Forza Horizon 3 would benefit from the added Xbox One X power, but it's not worth $500 right now.
Are you planning to get an Xbox One X? Let us know in the comments below!
Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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