About Amaya Ai
General by Amaya on Sep 17, 2010
I've been surfing on the boards and some of your blogs for last few months, so it's a little late for the introductory blog. Anyway, I'm Amaya not the AmayaPapaya from GS. I've been into gaming for last 5-6 years. Thanks to my ex bf who got me into it.
I mostly play FPS and I have a Xbox360, DS, PSP and a gaming PC. I see a lot of PS3 gamers around. but sorry to say that this console has never interested me. My favorite series are Call of Duty, Resident Evil, GTA and few more. I'm currently playing Kane & Lynch 2 Dog Days which is absolutely waste of money. I will be reviewing it once I finish it.
Beside gaming, I'm into fashion and movies. I work for a movie crew (don't ask the name please) and my plan is to eventually get into the screen. I work out everyday and I love to stay fit. Now Hogren123 will know why I asked him about going to gym regularly.
I was also been asked to help spreading the words in facebook and a lot of my friends have joined. Some of them are posting already. Feel free to send them friend request. Tomas is a very good friend of mine here and he is a great person. I'm happy that he has decided to stay here to give me company. And, if you have any facebook account, please join this group.
That should be enough for now. Feel free to ask me any question if you have. Thanks for reading.
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