Alex is a BAMF and Viola is broken (or: Prototype and Eternal Sonata impressions)
Games by Din5193 on Jun 11, 2009
So, yep. Prototype and Eternal Sonata... two recent acquisitions of mine, and two of the best games I've ever played. Read on for details.
Generic-looking action game, maybe... but this game is incredibly fun. A large, open environment, plenty of upgrades, and a wide variety of abilities make this game a must-have for any fans of free-roaming games.
Pretty much, the game follows the story of Alex Mercer, or the "Prototype". Long story short, he had some testing done on him, and now he can shape his limbs into anything, consume anyone, and become anyone he's consumed (thus acquiring any of their abilities, memories, and whatever they were holding). The game sends you on a bunch of missions usually based around killing everything in sight, as well as some light infiltration missions. This game is pure, mindless fun, and one of the best times you'll have in a game.
As the title of this blog says, Alex is a BAMF. Look it up here if you don't know what a BAMF is.
Eternal Sonata
This, I never expected. Hell, I didn't even know of this game's existance until recently. This game is an RPG that follows the events of a crazy dream that the famous composer Frederic Chopin is having (I won't go into details for spoiler's sake). Oddly reminiscent of the old RPG Grandia II.
Eternal Sonata blends turn-based strategy, real-time strategy, and action gameplay into one with an innovative battle syetem. The strange visuals, incredible music direction, and the unforgettable cast of characters really make this game stand out among others in the genre.
As this blog title implies, one of the characters you get to use, Viola, is completely broken. She can attack at any range, heal all your party members at once, and has unbelievable attack strength at loner ranges... easily the strongest and my favorite of the characters.
Well, that's it for this blog. See you all soon. :)
PS: On my Gamespot account, I usually post links to funny pictures at the end of my blog (usually game-related, and usually from a site called; you may remember that if you knew me over there. So, I'm going to start doing it here; but the pictures that I link here will be different from the linked pictures on my GS account. First one is here.
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