BlazBlue Centralfiction - Beginners Guide

Just starting off in BlazBlue Centralfiction, here are some tips

 by Grayshadow on  Feb 07, 2019

BlazBlue Centralfiction is not an easy game to understand. It takes a lot of dedication to understand the systems being used. Here are 5 tips that will aid beginners just entering BlazBlue Centralfiction.

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1. Learn to Block

This seems simple enough, it's not. BlazBlue Centralfiction's block system is different from other fighting games where barriers are limited and shown in the gauge below your health. The best way to learn how to block is to go to training and pit yourself against an AI opponent at the highest level.

Your goal isn't to win but to become accustomed to blocking and relaxed. During hectic battles your fingers and arms will react into hard to manage ways, the key of this exercise is to remain to relax and focused when in difficult fights.

BlazBlue: Central Fiction,Arc System Works,NoobFeed,

2. Try Everyone

BlazBlue Centralfiction has a lot of characters and it'll be hard to choose someone. Try them all for several matches in both "Stylish" and regular modes to get an idea of each fighters attacks. Once you become accustomed to a specific fighter learn their moves and experiment with your own inputs.

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3. Play Against Hard Opponents

No one likes to lose but in a fighting game, it's the best way to learn. By fighting harder AI opponents they'll use advanced techniques you're not aware of. Learn from their fights, especially against a character you main, to get an idea of what you're doing wrong and right.

BlazBlue: Central Fiction,Arc System Works,NoobFeed,

4. Use Everything to Your Advantage

The idea of "cheap" and "unfair" is thrown around a lot but don't worry about that. If it's in the game, it's fair. Use everything to your advantage and take into consideration every technique. Throwing the same move is spamming but it's also predictable, making it easier to counter. Read your opponents movements, capitalize on their mistakes, and execute moves in a fluid fashion to remain unpredictable.

BlazBlue: Central Fiction,Arc System Works,NoobFeed,

5. Master the Basis

Perhaps the most overlooked and underrated tip one can provide is mastering the basics. The 1-3 hit combo, blocking, and Drive options are critical steps before getting into the master level stuff. Without understanding the basics you'll never get to the more advanced fights.

Those are our tips for BlazBlue Centralfiction,  share yours in the comments below and check out our review here.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

Contributor, NoobFeed

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