Blog Of Pictures
General by Woozie on Jul 08, 2009
Due to popular demand , I will try to link each photo I took on my trip hoping that that way you guys could see them . Now I'm telling you.. they're not that great and I'm a terrible photograph.Also , my phone has almost the worst quality out there. So , without any further ado...
Here's a restaurant from Poiana Brasov , the place where we took a break while on the way to Bucharest. Here's an overview of one of the coolest cities in Romania , Brasov. Here , I was having a moment of maximum inspiration while roaming around some place :P
Moving on. This is Darky and a veteran that came to see Motorhead. We were waiting for about an hour or so in the front row , sitting on the ground. This is me again , with added boredom (don't laugh at the hair.. it's still growing.. I'm going through the "awkward phase" right now D: .. and oh , I don't look that good in pics either). We both had Motorizer t-shirts ( Motorhead's latest album) and I was wearing a 'tallica Ninja Star medallion :P Here are a few people during the first hour of the festival waiting around.. later on the parking lot would be full and people packed like sardines. Here's the stage , while it was being prepared by the roadies (I started being shaky at the site of Murder One ) and here's the stage in the final stage :P Here's Mr Rock 'N' Roll himself .. Lemmy Kilmister playing Iron Fist and lastly , here's yours truly with his hair all messed up from all that headbanging.
There they are. Enjoy (if you can :/) And oh .. here are two small clips of Motohread playing Going To Brazil and Rock Out in Bucharest.
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