Borderlands 3 Katagawa Ball Boss Guide

Defeat Katagawa's death ball

 by Grayshadow on  Sep 19, 2019

When invading Maliwan's space station you'll encounter massive resistance. After killing dozens of Maliwan's soldiers you'll take control of their giant laser and use it against Katagawa's space yacht. What follows is Katagawa taking revenge with his own death ball called the Katagawa Ball. Here's how to defeat it.

Borderlands 3,NoobFeed,Katagawa Ball,

The best tactic to avoid damage is the use the side areas and the environment to absorb the damage. During the start of the fight, Katagawa Ball will remain close towards the center. If it moves closer simply try to keep some of the leveled terrain between you and the enemy. This will allow you to dodge its very powerful homing attacks and lasers.

The first part of its health is entirely armor. Using flame weapons is the best tactic here. Dodge and aim for the center. Occasionally Katagawa Ball's will use an AOE attack that can be easily dodged by taking cover.

During the second part of the fight, Katagawa Ball's remaining health will be shielding. Use shock-type weapons to damage it while avoiding the massive AOE attacks, which resemble a plasma globe. Fortunately, these attacks have a short-range but stay in the far side of the room since some of these attacks cover a good portion of the boss and the room.

During the final phase, it'll start to charge and use a shield as its primary attack. This is where you must hit and run. Don't get into the shield or it will kill you. Run and shoot till the Katagawa Ball dies.

Adam Siddiqui,
Senior Editor, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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