Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

 by Canana on  Aug 07, 2011

"The biggest war game franchise is back, with more firepower!"

Developer: Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games
Publisher: Activision
Release Date: November 8, 2011
Platform(s): PC, PS3, X360
Genre: First Person Shooter


The Call of Duty franchise needs no introduction. There are so many quality games in the series and has been so successful that the name speaks for itself. After the Modern Warfare series began with CoD 4, developer Infinity Ward has raised the level of the game to the heights. Published by Activision, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will take players all over the world; from across Europe to the United States. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 follows the path of great FPS games before it, and carries an especially difficult task: to be the successor to the award winning Modern Warfare 2, which was honored with numerous awards for best game of the genre in 2010.


The game takes place after the end of MW2. According to the images shown in trailers released so far, there are no major changes regarding gameplay and items. Only quite remarkable was the presence of a device attached to the gun, maybe a grenade launcher. This suggests that there may be implementations for fighting in both short and long distances. Following the pattern of modern warfare, the battles will take the player to various locations worldwide. London, Paris, Berlin and New York are scenes of devastating battles, which will have its outcome in the city of Dubai.

Apparently, as can be seen in the trailer and four teasers released, the Apparently, as can be seen in the trailer and four teasers released, the battle begins in the Big Apple. Helicopters of the Russian Air Force bombed the city in Hudson Bay, in front of the Statue of Liberty. Submarines launched missiles targeting Wall Street. Interestingly, there is a large building used to be built where the World Trade Center was. Certainly it will be very controversial due to this game. Altogether there are 15 missions that promise to clarify many of the tips that were released earlier in Modern Warfare. In addition, of course, there will be new characters and other issues to be introduced that are important in the series. According to Kotaku, there have been two confirmed, probably playable characters called "Sandman" and "Frost," both of which are part of Delta Force.


The single player mode has always had a lot of attention in the series and this time it could be different. This does not imply that the Multiplayer mode receives less perfection. Since the introduction of Spec Ops in CoD:MW2 , a bridge between the modes and multiplayer only was built. The story became the campaign slogan for the various battles. In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, special operations are receiving special care; the introduction of the Survival mode is a proof. In it, players must survive to an endless number of enemy troops attacking in waves. This is exactly the way that the link between the single and multiplayer modes is built: you can play through all the campaign maps, besides other exclusives to other combatants.

There are three different arsenal types that are scattered to different locations, ranging from air support to other equipment. With them, you can also make weapon upgrades, purchase heavier artillery, ammunition and grenades. This mode will give gamers the opportunity to prepare for the online mode. You must know and memorize the maps, learn guerrilla tactics, constantly reload and customize your weapons, etc. These functions have always been in the multiplayer, but have never been explored before in other game modes.

The Survival mode can be played alone or in co-operation and consists in repelling the attack waves, which rely on pumps, juggernauts, helicopters and big guns. Killing results in making money, with bonuses for every wave that you wipe out, headshots and others. You can take a break for 20 seconds to search the corpses for weapons, ammunition or even make purchases online.

For many, the reason to buy Call of Duty has always been the multiplayer. This time, those who buy Modern Warfare 3 will experience this way in one way or another. However, the continuity of the plot will make the experience different from others, which eventually cannot have 100% of gamers pleased. This fact may give Infinity Ward an expansion in its niche audience. Players who did not like the multiplayer in the series can form a new opinion after experiencing the training elements that the single player mode will provide. Still, the introduction of Call of Duty Elite service and the first event dedicated to the fans - Call of Duty XP - will greatly enhance the competition between gamers.

All doubts and anxiety of rushing players will have to wait another few months. The game is scheduled to launch on November 8, 2011 for Xbox 360, PC and PS3

Marco Cecilio, NoobFeed

Marco Cecilio

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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