Catch up

Games by Nerdboy on  Nov 01, 2009

Been a bit behind on schedule seeing as I've been having to put some time into school work lately....anyways I still am planning on a write up about The Beatles Rock Band as well as that Borderlands review.  Also I've decided to hold off on Ratchet until around my bday (December 7th) or christmas.  BUT that's where things get fun :P 


That's right nerdboy is about to deliver you all some PC game stuff :O  I know crazy right?  Well I've been playing the heck out of the Torchlight demo and I'll be taking a leap of faith with a little game about Dragons and Origin stories this know...Dragon Age....yeah that one.  Leap of faith as in - hope like heck this laptop can run it xD (note: Im thinking I should be okay with low graphics settings which is fine.)  Anyways, other than that I won't be getting much new games until December-ish time... (well there is the God of War collection) so I'll have to start getting creative with my blog posts lol. 


P.S. Omg my "s" key is being a pain in the butt right now D:

Curtis Humphrey

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