Damn you

Rant by Sleven on  Jul 20, 2010

I have several complains.


1. I can't believe an article like this has only 4 comments :S A little appreciation for such awesome article doesn't hurt you much. Where as I've seen a lot of you guys posting craps in other places.


2. I won't feel like signing up for a site when the Featured user blog will have only 6 comments. We seriously lack in quality blogs. I don't remember when is the last time I've read a fine Editorial here :S


3. I won't be reading your blogs unless you read mine. Don't expect me to give a s***t about what you have to say after you pop up once in a while and say sorry I was away bla bla bla.


4. I try to help by recruiting and no one cares to keep in touch with the new comers. I though we were different and we not only welcome the noobs, we take a step forward to let them get into the community. (This ain't for you Tanya). When I first joined here, scenarios were different.


5. Funny but our site's page rank has gone down to 2 from 4.


Sorry if I sound rude but I felt like sharing my disappointments. Some of you guys are still awesome and that's the only reason I'm sticking to the site.

Sleven Junior

Subscriber, NoobFeed

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