Detroit: Become Human - Magazine Locations

How to get the Bookworm trophy

 by Grayshadow on  May 28, 2018

Detroit: Become Human has 46 magazine locations. Finding all of them unlocks the Bookworm trophy and it's impossible to get them all in one playthrough. Since Detroit: Become Human has a branching narrative you can be sent to different locations.

Unfortunately, you cannot jump to specific sections of each chapter and must replay the entire level to get to either the specific location or trigger the event needed to get to the magazine's location. In addition, do not quit after locating the magazine or it won't count. Either save manually or wait for an autosave. In addition, you must read every page for each collectable which usually contains up to 2 pages with 2 cover stories.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: Shades of Color - Markus

No. 10 – Tech Addict: Secrets of Androids
No. 19 – Green Earth: Climate Change-Up

It's at the beginning on a bench on the right side of the starting point. Remember to read every page!

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: A New Home - Kara

No. 22 – All Sports: Android Power!
No. 1 – Century: Connecting the Dots

On the living room table, after Kara enters the house.

No. 23 – All Sports: Android QB
No. 11 – Tech Addict: The Price of Life

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Upstairs in the master bedroom on top of the speakers.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: The Painter - Markus

No. 2 – Century: The North Pole
No. 27 – Detroit Today: Life Found on Titan!

Downstairs in the living room table in front of the TV.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: Partners - Connor

No. 25 – Gossips Weekly: Android Sex Officially Better!
No. 12 – Tech Addict: Is Your Android Spying on You?

In the kitchen inside the home.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: Fugitives - Kara

No. 3 – Century: The Bee-Line to Disaster
No. 26 – Gossips Weekly: It’s Time to Face the Music

Inside the laundromat next to the entrance.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: Waiting for Hank - Connor

No. 28 – Detroit Today: Famous Detroit Painter Dies
No. 30 – Detroit Today: Ivanoff Says “Niet”!

On a desk in the middle of the police station. Use Scan to locate it.

No. 29 – Detroit Today: The Three Laws of Robotic Parenting

This one will appear and replace, number 28 if Markus pushed Leo instead of obeying Carl.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: A New Home - Kara

No. 31 – Detroit Today: Cyber Wildlife
(Not Numbered) – Canada: Canada still Android-Free Zone

If Kara & Alice slept in the abandoned home it will be on the left side of the Squat where Alice slept. In the Motel, it will be in front of the TV. If they slept in the old car it will be in front of the car. All magazines are the same and you do not need to repeat the chapter if you read one of them.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: Jericho - Markus

No. 32 – Detroit Today: Android on the Run!
No. 13 – Tech Addict: Android Astronauts
No. 15 – Tech Addict: Cyberlife’s Fortune Teller Computer

After Markus gets off the train, it’s on a bench right at the train station.
“Android on the Run!" appears if Kara escaped the house with Alice in Stormy Night and in On the Run she was seen by police and ran across the highway to escape from Connor.

32 and 13 spawn in the same area.

13 spawns if Kara spent the night inside the car and evaded the police. 32 if she was chased. 

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: The Nest Connor

No. 20 – Green Earth: Past the Tipping Point
No. 33 – Detroit Today: Red Ice Epidemic

When Hank kicks in the entrance to the apartment, check the small side room on the right. In that small side room, the magazine sits on a table hidden behind the door, easy to miss.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: Zlatko - Kara

No. 34 – Detroit Today: Arctic Tensions Escalate
No. 35 – Detroit Today: Now Androids Alter Your Brain

Upstairs in the bedroom of Zlatko’s home. Zlatko's bedroom, which can be accessed either with or without your memory and is on the right side of the room. 41 can only be found if Kara slept inside the car and wasn't chased by Connor. 

35 will only spawn if Kara ran from Connor.

No. 41 – Detroit Today: AX400 Getaway - Separate Magazine Must Be Obtained for Trophy - Same Location

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: Russian Roulette - Connor

No. 5 – Century: Time to Pull the Plug
No. 4 – Century: Tainted Love

Inside Hank’s house, in his bedroom.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: The Eden Club - Connor

No. 14 – Tech Addict: The First Immortals Are Among Us
No. 36 – Detroit Today: The New Super-Powers

Inside the warehouse, after tracking the Traci. The magazine is on a box in the back of the warehouse.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: The Pirate's Cover - Kara

No. 37 – Detroit Today: USS Iowa Missing
No. 24 – Gossips Weekly: All-Android Band Tipped for Music Prize

After Luther kicks in the door to the pirate house the magazine will be on the barrels where Kara puts down her flashlight.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: The Bridge Connor

No. 8 – Century: The Mysterious Mister Kamski
No. 40 – Detroit Today: Markets Predict War

After Connor gets out the car it’s on the bench straight in front of you. Be sure to pick it up before talking to Hank.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: The Stratford Tower - Markus

No. 6 – Century: President Warren A Woman in Trouble
No. 38 – Detroit Today: G.I. Android

Found at floor 47 after taking the elevator up from the lobby. Sitting on a counter in the restaurant area.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: Public Enemy - Connor

No. 16 – Tech Addict: Bleeding Blue
No. 21 – Green Earth: Clean Food Craze

Found in the kitchen of the broadcast room with the broadcast androids.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: Midnight Train - Kara

No. 9 – Century: World War Three
(Not Numbered) Treat Yourself!

On the kitchen table, but can only be read after Rose leaves the house.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: Capitol Park - Markus

No. 39 – Detroit Today: Who is It?
No. 7 Century: An Android for President?

At the very start of the chapter, as soon as you gain control of Markus, turn left immediately and it’s on a box.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: Meet Kamski - Connor

No. 17 – Tech Addict: Space Tourism on the Rise
No. 15 – Tech Addict: Cyberlife’s Fortune Teller Computer

In the entrance hall of Kamski’s house, check out the picture on the right wall you can read the magazine.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: Freedom March - Markus

No. 42 – Detroit Today: Android Riot
No. 18 – Tech Addict: The Eastern Space Race

Only appears if Markus was able to free the androids from the store and fill up the "Violent" meter. At the very start of the chapter, after taking control of Markus it's on the left of where you start.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: Cross Roads - Connor

No. 43 – Detroit Today: Detroit in Chaos
No. 44 – Detroit Today: Android Terror in Detroit

This one is only available if Markus charged the police in Freedom March. When Connor first enters Jericho, the magazine can be found sitting on a box in the back of the area. Use Scan to find it. 

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: Battle for Detroit - Kara (Bus Station / Revolution Option)

No. 46 – Detroit Today: Civil War in Detroit

On the right side at the bus stop and only available if Markus chooses Revolution in Night of the Soul.

Detroit: Become Human,Quantic Dream,NoobFeed,Sony,

Chapter: Battle for Detroit - Markus (Inside Camp / Peaceful Option)

No. 45 – Detroit Today: They Defy Us

On the right side of Markus’ camp, if he chose the peaceful demonstration option instead of violent revolution. The magazine sits on a bench in the encampment.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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Adam Siddiqui

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