Detroit: Become Human - Nothing to See Here Trophy Guide
Get the cop to leave
by Grayshadow on May 28, 2018
In the chapter Midnight Train of Detroit: Become Human players are required to get a cop to leave the home. Here's how you do that.
First off, you need to speak to both Adam and Alice before the cop gets to the door. Once done, you have to hide all evidence of android presence.
When the Doorbell Rings
1. Tell Adam to Remain Calm
2. Tell Alice and Luther to Hide in Laundry Room, Close Dorr
3. Close the Supply Closet by Kitchen
4. Hide Android outfit on the dresser by television
Now let the cop inside and follow these instructions.
Answer Door
1. Make Coffee - Head to Kitchen, Coffee Maker is Right Side of Sink
2. Answer Nobody when asked if anyone's in the house
3. No for any androids
4. Answer Tired when Adam speaks to the cop
5. Answer Dog when questioned about the laundry room
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