Dota 2 - 3 Easiest Heroes to Play
We shall look at three heroes who are easy to play and fairly easy to get good at
Game Guide by Arne on Sep 01, 2024
Dota 2 is a game with an ever-shifting landscape and evolving meta that gets thrown around on its head every few months when, inevitably, a patch comes out. Certain heroes suddenly see success, and others fall by the wayside. Despite this, those who truly know a hero can always come out on top, even if the match is lopsided and stacked against them.
Let's look at three such heroes who are easy to learn and also fairly easy to get good at. Despite what changes may come, they always retain their spot as decent picks, no matter the situation.
“You make a great bullet catcher”
Pros: A versatile ranged carry that has relatively simple mechanics. What are they? Simple. Right-click the enemy, and watch them melt under your bullets. Sniper brings single-target damage to a new level with his easy-to-understand spells, near-instant attack animation, and simple itemization. These things make sniper one of the easiest heroes to play in Dota.
Cons: Low Mobility means he is slow and has no escape mechanisms, so getting caught off-guard usually means he cannot escape. He is also item-dependent; being a carry, he scales incredibly well as the game progresses. However, this means he requires many items before coming online. While he dishes out massive amounts of damage, this is usually restricted to singular enemies. So fighting off multiple enemies, or illusion heroes, means he is on the natural backfoot.
Roles: Hard Carry, Mid-laner, Soft Support
A sniper can be played in multiple roles, but more often than not, he’s seen dominating in the mid-lane; with his fast attack animation and scaling range, he easily sits in the backline. His shrapnel and assassinate can quickly bring down enemies, and gearing him with a dragon lance and a mask of madness could bring him back from low to full hp in the middle of fights.
Items: Sniper enjoys items that augment his abilities or fill holes in his arsenal. Dragon Lance, Mask of Madness, and Maelstrom are the staples of any sniper. In contrast, items like Shadow Blade, Blink Dagger, and Hurricane Pike increase his mobility. Items like Crystalis and Desolator provide early-game damage, and Khanda, Daedalus, Butterfly, and Aghanim's Sceptre let him specialize against specific enemies.
Counters: Sniper is bad against enemies with movement abilities and nukes, like Phantom Assassin, Weaver, Ember Spirit, Slardar, and Tusk. He also suffers against enemy tanks as they generally build blademail.
“Who needs a big brain when you've got teeth like mine?”
Pros: With Tidehunter, who needs big brains indeed as he drops the anchor and releases the Kraken with his inherent tankiness and durability. His ultimate ravage requires some thought, but ultimately, it is one of the best team-fighting abilities in the game. His survivability means that enemies often focus on trying to bring him down, ganging up on him, leaving them flapping fishes for his allies to attack as he unleashes Ravage, his ultimate ability that stuns everyone around him for a long time.
Cons: Tidehunter in the early game lacks mana and much to do. His durability means he probably won't die a lot. But for much of the early game, he will find himself starved for mana, and with his ultimate having a long cooldown for ravage, he needs to be careful when using it.
Roles: Offlane, Mid-lane, Hard Carry
Tidehunter can be played in any core role and performs well as the Offlane. Due to his access to many debuffs and his durability, he is a natural offlaner who is a bane to any enemy carry. He is flexible enough to be played as a tank, an initiator, or a solo offlaner.
Items: Tidehunter has one of the most versatile itemizations in the game. While items like Arcane Boots and Blink Dagger are staples, he can specialize a lot from there. Upgrading his boots to Guardian Greaves, getting an Aghanim’s Shard, Refresher Orb, and Shiva’s Guard makes him a great initiator. All the while, as a carry, he could buy Vladimir’s Offering, Satanic, Daedalus, and Heart of Tarrasque to make him borderline unkillable. The versatility of his itemization means that there are generally no bad options with his items, making him one of the simplest and easiest heroes in the game.
Counters: Tidehunter is susceptible to AOE spell damage, meaning heroes like Enigma, Viper, Razor, and Death Prophet are good against him. Heroes or Items that bring down his armor are also good against him. Spells like Infernal Blade Midnight Pulse are also good against him due to his high HP pool.
“Look upon the Lord of Avernus and beware.”
Pros: A versatile hero that has a unique durability to him. His tankiness makes him a good support for newcomers and beginners, as his spells have low cooldowns and his ultimate lets him stay in the middle of fights and support allies throughout-it. Given the nature of his playstyle, he is also one of the more fun support heroes. This makes him a good contender for one of the easiest heroes to play.
Cons: His attribute growth is low, meaning he doesn’t inherently become better as the game progresses. He is extremely dependent on mana and his abilities. His abilities also have longer casting animation, making them easily disruptable. He also lacks any disables or stuns.
Roles: Hard Support, Soft Support, Offlaner
Abaddon’s role is twofold. He could either be a durable healer, with his aphotic shield and mist coil, protecting allies from nukes and damage. Or he could be an aggressive offlaner, with his curse of Avernus and borrowed time, running down lane and attacking enemies, often with little regard to the damage he might get.
Items: A support Abaddon usually builds Tranquil Boots, or Arcane Boots, which are the staple of most supports. Items like Aether Lens, Drums of Endurance, or the upgraded boots make him one of the best supports in the game. As an aggressive offlaner, he naturally builds items like an Echo Saber, Blink Dagger, Radiance, and Assault Cuirass.
Counters: Abaddon is countered by silence based heroes like Silencer. Nukers like Zeus, Nyx Assassin and Lion as well as items like Dagon and Eul's Sceptre of Divinity.
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